Edexcel Chemistry Unit 1 (GCE from 2008)

Newest syllabus...Introduction to AS level chemistry: Fundamental concepts...

Metal + acid ---> ?
salt + hydrogen
1 of 25
The most reactive metals react with water to give...?
hydrogen + hydroxide
2 of 25
Zn(s) + CuSO4(aq) ---> ZnSO4(aq) + Cu(s)...what reaction is this?
Single displacement reaction
3 of 25
Metals become more reactive...
Down a group
4 of 25
Metal oxides and hydroxides are...
5 of 25
Non-metal oxides + water ---> ?
Solution of acids
6 of 25
Non-metals form ____ bonds with ____?
covalent, non-metals
7 of 25
Metal ions are _____, non-metal ions are _____ and the ammonium ion is _____
Positively charged, negatively charged, positively charged
8 of 25
Exothermic reactions _____ while endothermic reactions _____
convert chemical energy into heat energy, convert heat energy into chemical energy
9 of 25
A mole is....
the amount of substance containing the Avogardro number of atoms, molecules or group of ions
10 of 25
ΔH has units of kJ/mol...Why???
Because energy released in a reaction depends on the number of moles that react
11 of 25
Calculate the number of moles of hydrogen gas, H2, formed when 0.0246 mol of aluminium reacts with excess sulfuric acid, H2SO4...
12 of 25
Isotopes of the same element have _____ and _____
different mass numbers, identical chemical properties
13 of 25
Atoms or molecules in a mass spectrometer go through four general steps...choose the right combination in the right order
Bombardment by high energy electrons to create positive ions, acceleration by electric potential, deflection of positive ions by magnetic field, detection of positive ions
14 of 25
Why can't anyone explain electron configurations with the use of classical physics? (Newton's Law of motion)
Because an electron can only have specific levels of energy
15 of 25
What is meant by an "excited" electron???
The electron is promoted from the first orbit to an outer orbit
16 of 25
What is the element with the electron configuration of [1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p6 5s2 4d10 5p6 6s2 4f14 5d10]???
17 of 25
Why is the energy level of the 4s-orbital lower than that of the 3d-orbital???
Because the increased number of protons have reached a stage where they split the energy levels of the subshells considerably
18 of 25
Why is the electron configuration of copper "[Ar] 4s1 3d5" not "[Ar] 4s2 3d4"?
Because an atom is more stable when it has a half-filled or filled set of 3d-orbitals
19 of 25
What is electronegativity?
The extent to which an element attracts a pair of electrons in a covalent bond towards itself
20 of 25
What type of rays can be absorbed by human tissue and cause changes to cells??
21 of 25
Why does atomic radii decrease across a period?
Greater nuclear charge increases the force of attraction on the electrons, drawing them closer to the nucleus
22 of 25
__< __ < __ : Size of ions compared to its neutral atom
X+, X, X-
23 of 25
Ionisation energies of X - 1st: 750, 2nd: 1800, 3rd: 2560, 4th: 4680, 5th: 6200, 6th: 14300, 7th: 18320
X is in group 5
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Why is the electron affinity for Beryllium lower than Lithium and Boron even though the general trend is for electron affinity to increase across the period?
Because the added electron goes into an already singly occupied 2s-orbital which causes it to experience considerable repulsion and hence, less energy is released
25 of 25

Other cards in this set

Card 2


The most reactive metals react with water to give...?


hydrogen + hydroxide

Card 3


Zn(s) + CuSO4(aq) ---> ZnSO4(aq) + Cu(s)...what reaction is this?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Metals become more reactive...


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Metal oxides and hydroxides are...


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards




TOUGH! but excellent job! 

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