  • Created by: jordanb-h
  • Created on: 22-03-18 19:15
What do Scalar quantities have?
a size or a magnitude but no specific direction
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State an exam of a Scalar quantity
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State an exam of a Scalar quantity
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State an exam of a Scalar quantity
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State an exam of a Scalar quantity
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State an exam of a Scalar quantity
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What does Vector quantities have?
a size or magnitude and a specific direction
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State an example of a Vector quantity
force or weight
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State an example of a Vector quantity
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State an example of a Vector quantity
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State an example of a Vector quantity
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State an example of a Vector quantity
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Speed has a size but velocity has what?
a size and direction
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What is Velocity?
Velocity is speed in a stated direction
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All vector quantities can be given what?
positive and negative values to show their direction
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How do you calculate speed?
Speed (m/s)= change in direction (m) / time taken (s)
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The greater the change in distance, the what?
faster the object is moving
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When the change in distance over a period of time is zero, the speed is what?
zero and the object is stationary
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How do you calculate average speed?
average speed (m/s)= total distance travelled (m)/ total time taken (s)
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Distance/ time graphs have what ?
distance on the y-axis and time on the x-axis. The gradient or slope of the graph tells us about the motion of the object
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on a distance/time graph what does a steep line show?
the object is moving much faster than before
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on a distance/time graph what does a horizontal line show?
the object is stationary
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on a distance/time graph what does a sloping line show?
shows the object is moving. The gradient of the line is shallow, showing that the object is moving slowly
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What is Acceleration?
is a change in velocity per second. Acceleration is a vector quantity
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What is Velocity?
is the change in distance per second. Velocity is a vector quantity
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How do you calculate acceleration?
acceleration (m/s^2)= change in velocity (m/s) / time taken (s)
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How do you calculate acceleration?
a= (v-u)/ t
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In the equation a= (v-u)/ t what is a?
a is the acceleration
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a= (v-u)/ t what is v?
v is the final velocity
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a= (v-u)/ t what is u?
u is the initial velocity
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a= (v-u)/ t what is t?
t is the time taken
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What do Velocity/time graphs show?
how the velocity of a vehicle changes with time. You can also work out acceleration and distance travelled from the graph
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On a velocity/time graph what is plotted on the y-axis?
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On a velocity/time graph what is plotted on the x-axis?
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On a velocity/time graph What does the slope or gradient of the graph tell us?
the acceleration of the vechile
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On a velocity/time graph What does the area underneath the graph tell us?
the distance travelled
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How do you calculate acceleration (gradient)
acceleration (gradient) = change in velocity/ change in time
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How can you measure speed of objects in the lab?
by using light gates connected to a computer or data logger
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What is the speed of an object?
is how fast it is moving at a given point in time
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State a typical speed for Walking
1.5 m/s
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State a typical speed for Running
3.0 m/s
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State a typical speed for Cycling
6.0 m/s
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State a typical speed for Driving
14 m/s
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State a typical speed for Speed of Sound in air
330 m/s
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State a typical speed for a Airliner
250 m/s
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State a typical speed for a Commuter Train
55 m/s
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State a typical speed for a Gale-force wind
16 m/s
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A body will remain at rest or continue in a straight line at a constant speed as long as what?
the forces acting on it are balanced
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When a resultant force acts on a mass then there will be what?
a change in its velocity. The resultant force determines the size and direction of the subsequent acceleration of the mass
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When two or more forces act on the same straight line or are parallel, they can be added together to find what?
the resultant force
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How can you calculate the acceleration of an object?
acceleration (m/s^2)= force (N) / mass (Kg)
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The acceleration is in the same direction as what?
the force
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When the resultant force is zero, the acceleration is what?
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A negative force means what?
the object is accelerating backwards or is slowing down
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What is weight?
is the force that a body experiences due to its mass and the size of the gravitational field that it is in
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What is the resultant force?
two or more forces acting on an object can be replaced by one force
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What quantity is weight?
vector. it is measured in newtons
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The weight of a body on the surface of Earth acts inwards towards what?
the Earth's centre
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How do you calculate the weight of an object?
weight (N)= mass (kg) x gravitational field strength (N/kg)
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How is weight measured?
using a newtonmeter
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The greater the mass attached, the more weight it will experience due to what?
gravity and the spring will stretch
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What is mass?
is a measure of the amount of matter that is contained within a three-dimensional space
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What quantity is mass and what is it measured in?
scalar quantity. measured in kilograms (kg)
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The mass of a body is not affected by what?
the size of the gravitational field strength it is in
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When a body has a large mass and a small radius, it will have what?
a large gravitational field strength
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State the unit for gravitational field strength
newtons per kilogram (N/kg)
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State the gravitational field strength on Earth
10 N/kg
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State the gravitational field strength on the Moon
1.6 N/kg
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State the gravitational field strength on Jupiter
26 N/kg
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State the gravitational field strength on Neptune
13.3 N/kg
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State the gravitational field strength on Mercury
3.6 N/kg
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State the gravitational field strength on Mars
3.75 N/kg
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State the gravitational field strength on a neutron star
10 ^12 N/kg
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Card 2


State an exam of a Scalar quantity



Card 3


State an exam of a Scalar quantity


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Card 4


State an exam of a Scalar quantity


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Card 5


State an exam of a Scalar quantity


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