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6. What action should you take if you discover a fire?

  • B - raise the alarm
  • A - leave it because you will get the blame
  • C - carry on working if it is safe to do so
  • D - extinguish the fire without raising the alarm

7. If you came across an injury on site, what is the first thing you should do ?

  • C - contact a first aider
  • D - try and find out what happened
  • A - tell the casualty to visit their doctor
  • B - inform the HSE

8. Where would you go in the event of a fire?

  • D - to the fire to see what is going on
  • B - to the fire assembly point
  • C - to the site hut
  • A - to the canteen for a cup of tea

9. Which of the following must an employer consider when making provisions for first aid?

  • B - how much will it cost
  • D - the likely types of injury
  • A - how much working space will be wasted
  • C - whether the local ambulance service can be used

10. All new fire extinguishers are coloured red or of a bright self-coloured metal. How do you know the difference between types?

  • A - a different colour panel or band is on the body of the extinguishers
  • D - the type of extinguisher is written on a sign next to it
  • B - during site induction, you will be told where the different type of extinguishers are
  • C - the weight and shape of the extinguisher

11. A workmate lifting a big box suddenly shouts "oh my back" and drops the box. What should you do?

  • C - help them to lift the box
  • B - send for the first-aider
  • A - tell them to leave it for someone else to lift
  • D - find them somewhere comfortable to sit and rest

12. Which of the following items should not be in a first-aid box?

  • B - pain killers
  • A - safety pins
  • C - disposable gloves
  • D - triangular bandages

13. A red-labelled fire extinguisher should not be used:

  • C - on burning clothes
  • B - where there is a risk of electrocution
  • A - on wood fires
  • D - on burning furniture

14. /What does the sound of a siren on-site usually indicate?

  • C - an explosion
  • D - an emergency
  • B - a toxic person
  • A - a fire

15. If someone has fallen off a ladder and they say their leg is broken, what should you do?

  • C - move the ladder so no one trips over it
  • D - bandage their legs together
  • A - send for the first-aider
  • B - help them to the cabin or the mess hut

16. In an emergency situation at work you should do what?

  • B - obey the site emergency procedure
  • A - phone the HSE inspectorate
  • C - assure your workmates are all accounted for
  • D - leave the site immediately

17. if there had been a small fire, who should you report it to?

  • C - the sites fire marshal
  • A - your supervisor
  • B - the main contractors site agent
  • D - the resident site engineer

18. A workmate burns their hand on a piece of very hot metal. What should you do?

  • C - warn other people about the piece of hot metal
  • D - put their hand in cold water if it is available
  • B - cover the burn with something dry
  • A - rub some cream or vaseline into the burn

19. Which types of fire extinguishers should be used on electrical fires?

  • C - dry powder and foam
  • B - carbon dioxide or dry powder
  • A - foam and water
  • D - water and carbon dioxide

20. If someone has fallen over and has stopped breathing, what is the first thing you should do?

  • D - try to start the casualty breathing
  • B - attend to any broken bones
  • A - send for help
  • C - try to give the casualty a drink