eco unit 1 definitions

  • Created by: hu
  • Created on: 09-01-13 18:13
basic economic problem
resources have to be allocated between competing uses because wants are infinite while resources are scarce.
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economic goods
good which are scarce because their use has an opportunity cost
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Free goods
goods which are unlimited in supply and which therefore have no opportunity cost.
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opportunity cost
the benifits forgone of the next best alternative
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shows the maximum potential level of output for two goods or services that an economy can achieve when all its resources are fully and efficiently employed
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division of labour
specialization by workers
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factors of production
Land Labour Capital and Enterprise
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Fixed capital
economic resources such as factories and hospitals which are used to transform working capital into goods and services
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non-renewable resources
resources such a coal or oil which once exploited cannot be replaced
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non- sustainable resources
resouce which is being economically exploited in such a way that it is being reduced over time
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primary sector
extractive and agricultural inductries
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output per unit of input employed
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renewable resources
can be exploited over and over again because they have the potential to renew themselves
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secondary sector
production of goods, mainly manufactured
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when an individual, a firm, a region or a country concentrates on the production of a limited range of goods and services
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sustainable resource
renewable resource which is being economically exploited in such a way that it will not diminish or run out
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tetiary sector
production of services
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nominal values
values unadjusted for the effects of inflation
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real values
values adjusted for the effects of inflation
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the point where what is expected or planned is equal to what is realized or actually happens
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normative economics
the study and presentation of policy prescriptions involving value judgments about the way in which scarce resources are allocated
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Normative statement
a statement which cannot be supported or refuted because it is a value judgement
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positive economics
the scientific or objective study of the allocation of resources
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positive statement
a study which can be supported or refuted by evidence
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command economy
economic system where government allocates resources in society
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Free market economy
an economic system which resolves the basic economic problem through the market mechanism
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mixed economy
both market and government allocate resources
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consumer surplus
the difference between how much buyers are prepared to pay for a good and what they actually pay
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the quantity purchased of a good at any given price,given that other determinants of demand remain unchanged
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producer surplus
the difference between the market price which firms receive and the price at which they are prepared to supply
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the quantity of goods that suppliers are willing to sell at any given price over a period of time
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equilibrium price
the price at which there is no tendency to change because planned purchases(demand) are equal to planned sales(supply)
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excess demand
where demand is greater than supply
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excess supply
where supply is greater than demand
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a good which is purchased with other goods to satisfy a want
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composite demand
when a good is demanded for two or more distinct uses
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derived demand
when the demand for one good is the result of or derived from the demand for another good
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joint demand
when two or more complements are bought together
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joint supply
when to or more goods are produced together so that a change in supply of one good will necessarily change the supply of the other goods with which it is in joint supply
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a good which can be replaced by another to satisfy a want
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elastic demand
where the price elasticity of demand is greater than 1. the responsiveness of demand is proportionally greater than the change in price.
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inelastic demand
where the price elasticity of demand is less 1. the responsiveness of demand is proportionally less than the change in price
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giffen good
a special type of inferior good where demand increases when price increases
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inferior goods
a good where demand falls when income increases
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normal good
a good where demand increases when income increases
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substitution effect
the impact on quantity demanded due to a change in price, assuming that consumers real incomes stay the same.
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ad valorem tax
tax levied as a percentage of the value of the good
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incidence of tax
the tax burden which falls on the taxpayer
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specific or unit tax
tax levied on volume
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a grant given which lowers the price of a good usually designed to encourage production or consumption of a good
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government failure
occurs when a government intervention leads to a net welfare loss
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buffer stock scheme
a scheme whereby an organisation buys and sells in the open market so as to maintain a minimum price in the market for a product
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symmetric information
where buyers and sellers have access to the same information
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asymmetric information
where buyers and sellers have different amount of information
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free rider
a person or organisation which receives benefits that others have paid for without making any contribution themselves
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merit good
a good which is under provided by the market mechanism
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private good
a good where consumption by one person results in the good not being available for consumption by another
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public good
A good where consumption by one person does not reduce the amount available for another person
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allocative efficiency
occurs when resources are distributed in such a way that no consumer could be made better of without other consumers being made worse of
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dynamic efficiency
occurs when resources are allocated effictiently over time
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market failure
where resources are inefficiently allocated due to imperfections in the working of the market mechanism
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productive efficiency
is achieved when production is at its lowest cost
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static efficiency
occurs when resources are allocated efficiently at a point in time
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technical efficiency
is achieved when a given quantity of output is produced with the minimum number of inputs
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


good which are scarce because their use has an opportunity cost


economic goods

Card 3


goods which are unlimited in supply and which therefore have no opportunity cost.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


the benifits forgone of the next best alternative


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


shows the maximum potential level of output for two goods or services that an economy can achieve when all its resources are fully and efficiently employed


Preview of the back of card 5
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