Drugs and You B1e

What are Class A drugs?
Drugs that are the most dangerous and have the heaviest penalties
1 of 11
What are Class C drugs?
Drugs that are the least dangerous and have the lightest penalties
2 of 11
What are some examples of depressants?
3 of 11
What are some examples of painkillers?
Aspirin and paracetamol
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What some examples of stimulants?
Nicotine, caffeine and MDMA(ecstasy)
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What is an example of a performance enhancing drug?
Anabolic steroids
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What is an example of a hallucinogen?
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How do stimulants and depressants affect the synapses of the nervous system?
Depressants bind with the receptor molecules in the membrane of the next neurone, blocking the transmission of impulses. Stimulants cause more neurotransmitters to diffuse across the synapse.
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How can a damaged ciliated epithelial cell lead to smokers cough?
Dust and particulates in cigarette smoke collect and irritate the epithelial lining and mucus isn't moved by the cilia. So the mucus gets trapped
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How does cigarette smoke affect ciliated epithelial cell lining in the bronchioles,trachea and the bronchi?
Cigarette smoke contains chemicals that stop the cilia from moving
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How can the liver become damaged as it removes alcohol and what is it called?
Cirrhosis of the liver. Enzymes in the liver breakdown alcohol and the toxic products of the alcohol breakdown cause liver damage.
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Card 2


What are Class C drugs?


Drugs that are the least dangerous and have the lightest penalties

Card 3


What are some examples of depressants?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are some examples of painkillers?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What some examples of stimulants?


Preview of the front of card 5
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