
How important is the setting of Dracula and what does it influence?
The answer here is found in the shifting setting. The early chapters take place in the very under developed town of Transylvania, Romania. Eastern Europe is portrayed as rustic, primitive, virtually medieval. The common person is described as quai
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What is "Gothic" about the weather at the beginning of Dracula?
In literature, "Gothic" means stories about the supernatural, or that privilege irrationality and emotion over reason. Usually Gothic literature takes the form of horror stories, like Dracula, set in wild, picturesque places. Take a look at this eNot
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What is the message behind Dracula?What is the interpretation of Dracula? What does Stoker trying to teach the reader by Dracula?
The most obvious less to me is the nature of good and evil. A person can try to be good, but be “infected” by evil, just as metaphorically a person becomes infected as a vampire. Then you live a cursed life, rather than a life of eternal bliss. The
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What was Bram Stoker's inspiration for writing Dracula?
Scholars tend to agree that Stoker's inspiration for writing Dracula was the real-life story of Vlad the Impaler, a notorious historical figure who did horrible things to his captured enemies. There were also other books written prior to Stoker's bo
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Card 2


What is "Gothic" about the weather at the beginning of Dracula?


In literature, "Gothic" means stories about the supernatural, or that privilege irrationality and emotion over reason. Usually Gothic literature takes the form of horror stories, like Dracula, set in wild, picturesque places. Take a look at this eNot

Card 3


What is the message behind Dracula?What is the interpretation of Dracula? What does Stoker trying to teach the reader by Dracula?


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Card 4


What was Bram Stoker's inspiration for writing Dracula?


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Card 5




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