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6. What are some risk factors for Coronary Heart Disease?

  • Poor diet high in sweetcorn
  • Poor diet, high in saturated fat and salt, smoking and excessive alcohol intake
  • Too much water

7. What are the 3 main interfaces used by pathogens to enter the body?

  • Gas exchange system, skin and digestive system
  • Reproductive system, heart and liver
  • Kidneys

8. How do pathogens damage host cells?

  • yolo
  • By rupturing them to release nutrients, by breaking down nutrients inside the cell to starve the cell, by replicating inside the cell and bursting them when they are released
  • lol

9. What is a pathogen?

  • A pathogen is any organism that causes disease - e.g. bacteria, viruses
  • Pathogens are a pencil
  • Pathogens are a type of fruit

10. What do cilia in the gas exchange system do?

  • Beat and move mucus up the trachea to the mouth where pathogens are removed
  • Look pretty
  • Lol

11. How does the ga exchange system have adaptations to prevent pathogens entering the body?

  • Engulfs pathogen
  • If air that contains pathogens is breather in, most will be trapped in mucus which lines the lung epithelium.
  • Releases toxins