
Any organism that causes disease
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Main causes of disease
-Pathogens -Lifestyle -Degenerative processes -Genetic -Nutrient Difficiency -Social Activities
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How does a pathogen enter an organism?
-Gas exchange system (cillia and mucus dont trap all the bacteria) -Skin -Digestive System (not all pathogens killed by the acidic conditions in the stomach)
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How does the pathogen cause disease?
Bacteria can release toxins which affect the cells in the infected area (treated which anitbiotics). Viruses disrupt living cells metabolic system, the virus becomes incorporated into the cells. Fungus' hyphae secretes enzymes which digest tissues.
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How does a pathogen damage host cells?
Multiplying inside the cell causing it to rburst and release its nutrients or breaking down nutrients inside the cell for its own use
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Infectious disease of the intestines. Caused by the bacterium Vibro cholerae, toxins are produced by this bacterium.
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Why does chloera cause dehydration?
The toxins released by the bacterium cause the chloride ion protein channels to be open in the plasma membrane of the small intestine, the increase of ions lowers the water potential of the lumen so large amount of water leaves the blood by osmosis.
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Oral Rehydration Solutions
Contains large amounts of salts, sugars and sodium ions (ions increase glucose absorbtion beacuse they are cotransported together) .The treatment is cheap and doesnt require trained people to administer.
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Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It is a communicable infectious disease.
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How does Pulmonary Tuberculosis cause disease?
Disease only being to develop when the pathogen reaches the alveoli. T-lymphocytes arrive after 21days to kill the bacteria. If bacteria survies tubercules form in which the bacteria multiplies rapidly when the center liquefies. Tubercules grows.
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Symptoms of Pulmonary Tuberculosis
-Chest pain -Long lasting cough -Loss of appetite -Fatigue
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The formation of scar tissue in the lungs. Lungs are less able to expand so cant hold as much air (tidal volume is reduced) also harder to expel air because of the loss of elasticity. Less diffusion accross a thick scarred membrane.
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Symptoms of fibrosis
-Faster breathing rate -Dry cough -Chest pain -Fatigue -Weakness
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Pulmonary Ventilation
Tidal Volume X Ventilation rate
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Main causes of disease


-Pathogens -Lifestyle -Degenerative processes -Genetic -Nutrient Difficiency -Social Activities

Card 3


How does a pathogen enter an organism?


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Card 4


How does the pathogen cause disease?


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Card 5


How does a pathogen damage host cells?


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