Disease Process

  • Created by: lem-27
  • Created on: 18-10-22 09:56
Incubation period
- Interval between exposure and the onset of first symptoms.
- Can last several hours, days.
- The incubation time can differ depending on disease.
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Prodromal stage
- The prodromal stage refers to the period after incubation and before the characteristic symptoms of infection occur.


- The appearance of initial symptoms.
- People can transmit infections during this stage.
- Pathogen continues to multiply
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Invasion period
- Spread of the infection, affecting the tissues.
-Immune and inflammatory response are being triggered.
- Signs and Symptoms are becoming more obvious.
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Convalescence period
- The final stage of the infection process
- Symptoms start to resolve and the person affected can return to normal functions.
- Individuals immune and inflammatory systems have been successful.
- Important to note that some virus's can return e.g Chicke
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Fever (Phyrexia)
- Rise in body temperature.
- Oral temperature (35.6-37.8).
- increase in temperature reduces the growth rate of pathogens.
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- Chemical released from the inflammatory process when fever has set in.
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Endogenous Pyrogens
- Produced by individual
- Initiates fever by inducing host cells (primarily macrophages) to produce and release endogenous pyrogens, such as interleukin-1, which has multiple biological functions essential for the immune response.
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Exogeneous Pyrogens
- Derived from outside the host.
-Triggered from bacteria, and virus's outside the body.
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Card 2


- The prodromal stage refers to the period after incubation and before the characteristic symptoms of infection occur.


- The appearance of initial symptoms.
- People can transmit infections during this stage.
- Pathogen continues to multiply


Prodromal stage

Card 3


- Spread of the infection, affecting the tissues.
-Immune and inflammatory response are being triggered.
- Signs and Symptoms are becoming more obvious.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


- The final stage of the infection process
- Symptoms start to resolve and the person affected can return to normal functions.
- Individuals immune and inflammatory systems have been successful.
- Important to note that some virus's can return e.g Chicke


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Card 5


- Rise in body temperature.
- Oral temperature (35.6-37.8).
- increase in temperature reduces the growth rate of pathogens.


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