Discuss research into cultural variations of attachment.

  • Created by: danbot77
  • Created on: 28-04-21 11:33
What was the method of Van Ljzerndoorn and Kroonenberg's study?
Conducted a meta- analysis of studies that used the strange situation. Used 32 studies from 8 different nations and created a sample of 2000 children. All studies used were using mother- infant pairs, attachments were classed into 3 types.
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What studies did Van Ljzerndoorn and Kroonenberg eliminate?
They excluded studies with special needs, they eliminated studies without at least 35 mother- baby pairs. Also eliminated infants over 2 years old.
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What were some notable findings from Van Ljzerndoorn and Kroonenberg's study?
Secure attachment was the most common attachment type across the study. UK and Sweden had highest levels of secure attachments. Japan and Israel had highest resistant. Germany had most avoidant.
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What was the difference within a culture compared to between cultures?
Van Ljzerndoorn and Kroonenberg found that there was a 1.5x difference in attachment WITHIN a culture and BETWEEN cultures.
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What can we conclude from Van Ljzerndoorn and Kroonenberg's study?
Secure attachments are the most prevalent worldwide. Supports the innate attachment type. Difference between resistant and avoidant attachment types implies that different child rearing practices influence attachment. German parents may see some "secure"
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What is an explanation for the differences between cultures?
The culture the baby grows up in as some countries may be more collectivist or individualistic. Collectivist prefer obedience and cooperation. Individualistic prefer independent children.
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What is one support for Van Ljzerndoorn and Kroonenberg's study?
(sample size)
The sample was very big as it had 2000 infants in it. This reduces the chances of anomalous results, making us more confident. However, sample bias (18 US studies, 1 China study). Can't generalise.
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What is one criticism of Van Ljzerndoorn and Kroonenberg's study?
(culturally biased method)
The Strange Situation (**) is an American method made for American children. Separation anxiety may be seen as independence in other countries for example. Imposed etic- method incorrectly applied to other cultures.
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What is one criticism of Van Ljzerndoorn and Kroonenberg's study?
(differences between culture or country?)
Van Ljzerndoorn and Sagi found that attachments were similar in urban areas but more resistant in rural areas. Comparisons between countries have little meaning. Need to isolate individual cultures more.
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What is one support for Van Ljzerndoorn and Kroonenberg's study?
(supporting Bowlby)
The similarity across cultures supports Bowlby's theory of evolutionary attachment. However Van Ljzzy and Kroony found that mass media could affect parenting as media influences how people parent, potentially affecting their results.
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Card 2


What studies did Van Ljzerndoorn and Kroonenberg eliminate?


They excluded studies with special needs, they eliminated studies without at least 35 mother- baby pairs. Also eliminated infants over 2 years old.

Card 3


What were some notable findings from Van Ljzerndoorn and Kroonenberg's study?


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Card 4


What was the difference within a culture compared to between cultures?


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Card 5


What can we conclude from Van Ljzerndoorn and Kroonenberg's study?


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