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6. The French Flag Model is commonly used to understand what?

  • Morphogen signalling
  • Cell fates
  • Cell-cell signalling
  • Limb development

7. What is not a step in muscle development?

  • Expression of myoblastic protein
  • Arrangement of proteins into fibres
  • Upregulation of MyoD
  • Formation of a syncytial cell

8. Where are somites found?

  • Notochord
  • Neural crest
  • Haltares
  • Imaginal discs

9. Which is not a muscle-specific protein?

  • Phosphate kinase
  • Tropomyosin
  • Keratin
  • Creatine

10. What is not true about Bicoid?

  • It activates Hunchback gene
  • It is responsible for development of head structures
  • Bicoid mutants show no posterior structures
  • It is a transcription factor

11. Which statement is correct?

  • Only intrinsic factors affect development
  • Most cells develop autonomously
  • Most development is regulative
  • Most cells have their fate determined early

12. What is the correct order of zygotic gene activation?

  • Segmentatio genes - selector genes - pair rule genes - gap genes
  • Pair rule genes - selector genes - segmentation genes - gap genes
  • Gap genes - pair rule genes - segmentation genes - selector genes
  • selector genes - gap genes - pair rule genes - segmentation genes

13. What is a morphogen?

  • A chemical produced throughout a cell
  • A chemical which forms a concentration gradient
  • A molecule which is sensed by cell-surface receptors
  • A chemical which causes mutations

14. Which statement is correct?

  • One transcription factor can activate and/or repress more than one gene
  • Most genes are initially active
  • The transcription initiation complex forms when DNA polymerase binds to a promotor region
  • Transcription can only be regulated by intrinsic factors

15. Which is not true about MyoD?

  • Part of the helix-loop-helix family
  • Maintains a positive feedback loop
  • Expressed in all cells
  • Is not involved in muscle contraction

16. Which is not a part of the somite?

  • Myotome
  • Sclerotome
  • Mesotome
  • Dermatome

17. What is the name for cells that are determined early and develop on their own?

  • Mosaic
  • Intrinsic
  • Regulative
  • Autonomous

18. What transcription factor controls muscle development?

  • MBP
  • Bicoid
  • MyoD
  • Myotome

19. What happens to animal cells when an animal cap is transplanted onto vegetal cells?

  • Develop into muscle
  • Die
  • Develop into epidermis
  • Develop into neural cells

20. What is not an example of post-transcriptional gene regulation?

  • Transcription factors
  • RNA splicing
  • Nuclear export of RNA
  • RNA stability