
  • Created by: sep2g17
  • Created on: 03-04-19 20:52
The acquisition of information through the sensory organs and the transmission of that information to the brain e.g. seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling
1 of 21
The attribution of meaning to sensations. Visual (object, face, depth, patter etc.), auditory (voice, speech, language etc.)
2 of 21
Ability to visually follow a moving object
visual tracking
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Presenting the same picture over and over again until the baby stops looking, then when a new stimulus is presented, if the baby looks longer at novel stimulus, this has occured
4 of 21
A focus on voices and speech which are considered important for the development of attachment and language
auditory perception
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Forming mental representations and use of memory
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Genetic bluprint
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Observable characteristics influenced by genes, environment and their interaction
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When the two sets of instructions are the same at any given locus
homozygous pair
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When the two sets of instructions are different at any given locus
heterozygous pair
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Dominant genes always express their characteristics, while both recessive genes must be present to express their characteristics
dominant-recessive pattern
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Traits that require the interaction of several genes
Polygenetic traits
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Becomes the nervous system by forming the neural tube (primitive spinal cord) and at 3.5 weeks, the top swells to form the brains
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Becomes muscles, skeleton, circulatory system and internal organs
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Becomes the digestive system, lungs, urinary tract and glands
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Support and feed the neurons
glial cells
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Where the bastocyst divides into two (4 days after conception) where one becomes the baby and the other forms into various structures that support development e.g. placenta, umbilical cord, yolk sac, amnion
germinal stage
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All major organs/systems begin to develop (Organogenesis) e.g. heart beat at 4 week gestation
embryonic stage
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Basic structures are refined and grow to final form. By week 12, the sex can be determined. Viability is possible by week 22/23
Foetal stage
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From 20th week, the brain's weight increases 10 fold and the neurons begin forming synapses at a rapid pace. This brain growth means new behavioural capacities
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An agent or factor that causes malformation of an embryo
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Card 2


The attribution of meaning to sensations. Visual (object, face, depth, patter etc.), auditory (voice, speech, language etc.)



Card 3


Ability to visually follow a moving object


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Card 4


Presenting the same picture over and over again until the baby stops looking, then when a new stimulus is presented, if the baby looks longer at novel stimulus, this has occured


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Card 5


A focus on voices and speech which are considered important for the development of attachment and language


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