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6. Honda employs how many people in Guangzhou and Zhongshan?

  • Over 60 000
  • Over 6 000
  • Over 60
  • Over 600
  • Over 6

7. There is not much pollution in the air, the area is never covered in smog.

  • False
  • True

8. How many times more greenhouse gases are in the air in the PRD area than in other areas of the Guangdong province?

  • 2-3
  • 4-5
  • 1-2
  • 3-4
  • 5-6

9. These gases cause acid rain.

  • True
  • False

10. Pollution from factory waste and untreated sewage also means the water quality of the area is very poor. E.g. water from Pearl River is only suitable for farm use (not for drinking or domestic use)

  • True
  • False

11. Humans are the only ones suffering from the pollution

  • False
  • True

12. The pearl River drains into the South China Sea, affecting this area. What local species is becoming endangered as a result?

  • The Bottle-nose Dolphin
  • The Killer Whale
  • The White Chinese Dolphin
  • The Beluga Whale

13. Management Strategies aim to reduce the impacts. What is the aim of the Pearl River Delta Air Quality Management Plan?

  • To reduce the amount of air pollution by 2010
  • To reduce the amount of air pollution by 2014
  • To reduce the amount of air pollution by 2011
  • To reduce the amount of air pollution by 2013
  • To reduce the amount of air pollution by 2012

14. They're trying to reduce the Sulphur Dioxide emitted by power plants by 40% compared to the levels of what year?

  • 1994
  • 1996
  • 1993
  • 1997
  • 1995

15. One way to do this is by using natural gas instead of coal, which produces less emissions.

  • True
  • False

16. The government has pledged how much to clean up Pearl River?

  • US$ 6.1 billion
  • US$ 8.1 billion
  • US$ 7.1 billion
  • US$ 4.1 billion
  • US$ 5.1 billion

17. This will increase the amount of untreated domestic sewage and industrial waste that goes into the river.

  • False
  • True

18. These management strategies are sustainable because they aim to reduce air and water pollution without stopping industry from expanding or closing down factories. This means that people will still be able to live and work in the PRD in the future as there

  • True
  • False