
  • Created by: corbs00
  • Created on: 17-12-16 14:35
Ageing population
A population with increasing numbers of elderly people, and decreasing numbers of younger people
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Baby boom
A dramatic increase in the birth rate, differing to the general trend
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Birth rate
The number of live births per 1000 of the population, in a given year
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Childbearing years
The age span in which a woman is able to reproduce - assumed to be 15-44
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Death rate
The number of deaths per 1,000 of the population, in a given year
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The study of trends within the population
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Dependency ratio
The number of people of non-working age, compared to the number of people of working-age
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Divorce rate
The number of divorces per 1,000 of the population, in a given year
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The process of leaving the country to live elsewhere
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Emigration rate
The number of people moving abroad (in a specific area of origin), per 1,000 of that area's population, in a given year
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Refers to a social group who share a culture or tradition
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The reproductive performance of a woman, couple, group or population
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Social traits associated with femininity and masculinity
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General fertility rate
The number of live births per 1,000 women of childbearing age, in a given year
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Growth rate
The number of people added to, or subtracted from, the size of the population
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Refers to people moving into the country from elsewhere
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Immigration rate
The number of people arriving in the country from elsewhere, per 1,000 of the population, per year
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Infant mortality rate
The number of babies who die before their 1st birthday, per 1,000 live births in a given year
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Life expectancy
The average length of time people of a particular age will live for
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Life span
The maximum length of time that human beings can live for
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Marital fertility rate
The number of live births to married women, per 1,000 married women of childbearing age, in a given year
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Marriage rate
The number of marriages per 1,000 of the population, in a given year
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The movement of people between countries
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The geographical movement of people
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Deaths in relation to population change
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Net migration
The difference between immigration and emigration, causing the population size to increase or decrease
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Net migration rate
The effect of immigration and emigration on an area's population, causing an increase or decrease per 1,000 population of said area, in a given year
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Push factors
Negative factors that cause a person to leave the country (war, poverty, inflation, etc)
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Pull factors
Positive factors that attract a person to live in another country (job opportunities, lifestyle, travel, etc)
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Rate of natural increase/decrease
The rate at which the population is increasing or decreasing, in a given year
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Stable population
A population which is neither increasing nor decreasing in size
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Total fertility rate
The average number of children a woman will have during her childbearing years
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


A dramatic increase in the birth rate, differing to the general trend


Baby boom

Card 3


The number of live births per 1000 of the population, in a given year


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


The age span in which a woman is able to reproduce - assumed to be 15-44


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


The number of deaths per 1,000 of the population, in a given year


Preview of the back of card 5
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