Democracy and participaton

Some flash cards to help with the definitons of the key words in unit 1.

Rule by the peope or people power
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Liberal democracy
A style of democracy incorperationg free and fair elections with a belief in the improtanceof certain key rights and responsibilities.
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Direct democracy
Where citizens have direct imput into the descisions made in government.
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Representative democracy
Where citizens elect a representative to make descisions on their behlf and to represent their ideas in parlaiment.
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A vote on a single issue put to the public to be voted for by ballot, it is a simple yes or no question. They are rarely used in the uk. Some exampleson referendums could be the AV referendum in 2011 and one has been promised before we use the eruro.
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A process by which citizens can call refenrendum but only if a certain ammount of sintres on a petition are collected.
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A device that means citizens can unseat their representative before the end of their term in office because they see them as unfit.
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Political Culture
The ideas, beliefs and attitudes that shape political behavior within a given area. It describes the way in which citizens collectively view the political system and their status and role within it.
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The franchise is the right to vote as established by parlaiment. Most uk citizens have the right to vote at 18 excuding prisoners and members of the house of lords.The franchise was only lowered to 18 from 21 in 1969.
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Political Participation
How citizens can involve themselves in the political process.
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The percentage of people who are eligable to vote who cast a vote in a given election.
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The legal right or authority to excercise power, a government is said to have legitimacy as the result of the mandate it secures in a general election.
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The right of the governing party to perue the ideas it put forward in its general election manifesto.
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The doctrine of the mandate
This gives the party the right to persue its manifesto but does not prevent it from putting forward ideas not in the manifesto.
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Differential turnout
Where the turnout figure for the whole country is different to the turnout in a constituency. This may be because of: How marginal the seat is, the electoral system, local issues, the 'intensity' of the campaign and the media attention.
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Political Apathy
A sate of passivity or indifference towards politics, linked to a decline in political participation.
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Where party activists go from door to door handing out flyers etc. to win support and gain the votes from floating voters.
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Participation crisis
The view that because of declining levels of political participation and low turnout that our democratic system may be undermined.
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POWER inquiry
An inquiry into the state of political participation in the uk by an indipendant source. It concluded that there was a distinct level of disilusionment with politics in the uk and that it needed immediate atention.
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Donkey Votes
With a preferential voting sytem, the voter numbers the candidates simply 1,2,3,4 etc. in descending order ( a reverse donkey is one that does it the other way round).
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Informal votes
Ballots that are copleted incorectly in a system of compulsory voting.
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Pluralist democracy
A system of government which encourages participation and allows for free and fair competition between competing interests and ideas.
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The idea that descisions should be made at the lowest tier of government possible.
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The greater use of the internet and mobile phones etc. has encouraged greater political participation. For example, 'e-petitions'.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


A style of democracy incorperationg free and fair elections with a belief in the improtanceof certain key rights and responsibilities.


Liberal democracy

Card 3


Where citizens have direct imput into the descisions made in government.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Where citizens elect a representative to make descisions on their behlf and to represent their ideas in parlaiment.


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


A vote on a single issue put to the public to be voted for by ballot, it is a simple yes or no question. They are rarely used in the uk. Some exampleson referendums could be the AV referendum in 2011 and one has been promised before we use the eruro.


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