  • Created by: Hanna
  • Created on: 11-05-13 14:25
the right to govern and make laws, which will be enforced and obeyed by the people - normally conferred by election
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system of government where people have access to independent information and are able to influence government policy - also implies government are accountable to the people
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implies the enjoyment of civil liberties (freedom - of expression, movement, thought) and also carries certain duties and obligations (to pay taxes, abide the law, possibly defend your country)
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direct democracy
people themselves make decisions and are directly consulted on political decisions (referendums)
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liberal democracy
an addition to democracy that ensures civil liberties and rights are respected and protected - a strong constitution limits the powers of government
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representative democracy
people delegate power to elected representatives that express the will of the people and sections of society
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parliamentary democracy
a form of liberal democracy where the parliament or an elected assembly is the key institution and the source of political power
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pluralist democracy
multiple parties and political associations are allowed to operate, meaning different political beliefs are tolerated - power is dispersed among different individuals, bodies and institutions
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democratic legitimacy
in democracy, legitimacy is conferred by election - it could be argued that British government lacks legitimacy because it is elected on a minority of the national vote
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a general vote to the electorate on a single political issue referred to them for a direct decision
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Card 2


system of government where people have access to independent information and are able to influence government policy - also implies government are accountable to the people



Card 3


implies the enjoyment of civil liberties (freedom - of expression, movement, thought) and also carries certain duties and obligations (to pay taxes, abide the law, possibly defend your country)


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Card 4


people themselves make decisions and are directly consulted on political decisions (referendums)


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Card 5


an addition to democracy that ensures civil liberties and rights are respected and protected - a strong constitution limits the powers of government


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