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6. What are the two hypes of hemorrhagic stroke?

  • Intracerebral, intracranium
  • Intercerebral, intercranial
  • Intracerebral, intracranial
  • Intracerrebellum, intracranial

7. Broca's area is located in the

  • Basal ganglia
  • Pre-motor area of the left frontal lobe.
  • Pre-central gyrus

8. Dysarthria

  • Expressive disorder of speech characterised by poor articulation.
  • Motor disorder of speech characterised by poor articulation. Difficulty in producing or sustaining range, force, speed and coordination of movements. This affects breathing, phonation, resonance and articulation.
  • Receptive disorder of speech characterised by poor articulation.

9. What are some of the aims of ICF?

  • Multi-purpose tool for varying disciplines, MDT communication, scientific basis for heatlh
  • Statistical tool, research tool, clinical tool

10. Which are the correct buzz words for the pathophysiology of stroke?

  • Prolonged ischaemia = tissue damage, recovery potential, contralateral circulation, ischaemic cascade, ischaemic processes
  • Ischaemic cascade, prologned ischaemia = tissue damage, collateral circulation, recovery potential, iscahemic processes
  • Prolonged ischaemia = tissue damage, recovery potential, collateral circulation, ischaemic cascade, ischaemic processes

11. Broca's is responsible for X and Wernicke's is responsible for Y

  • X)Expressive, comprehension Y)Receptive, motor
  • X)Expressive, motor y)Receptive, comprehension
  • X)Receptive, comprehension Y)Expressive, motor

12. Dysmetria is

  • Lack of coordination of movement typified by undershoot and/or displacement of limbs
  • Lack of coordination of movement typified by the undershoot and/or overshoot of intended position
  • Loss of coordination of movement typified by the overshoot and spasticity of intended movement

13. What is the definition of a TIA and what is the difference from stroke?

  • An episode of cerebral dysfunction caused by impaired blood supply to the brain vessels. It last 30 minutes and
  • An episode of tempoary cerebral dysfunction caused by impaired blood flow to the head that usually lasts only a few minutes and resolved in less than 24 hours
  • An episode of permanent cerebral dysfunction caused by blood no reaching the head. It lasts only 24 hours

14. Wernicke's area is located in the

  • Tempora-parateial lobe
  • Pre-central gyrus
  • Motor cortex
  • Frontal lobe

15. Dyskinesia is

  • Involuntary movement disorder distinguished by the underlying cause e.g myoclonus, dystonia, tremor
  • Voluntary movement disorder caused by heightened spasticity and tremor
  • Involuntary movement disorder distiguished by high tone and cerebral dysfunction

16. Aphasia is

  • Inability to communicate. Either broca's or wernicke's are affected. Understanding and use of correct words in writing or speaking.
  • Lack of communication, has some understanding but not all. Broca's is affected onlly
  • Inability to communicate. Wernicke's is affected only