Database Design 02

What is concurrency?
Concurrency is making a database accessible to lots of people at the same time.
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What is transaction?
Transaction is a change to the database
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What does ACID stand for?
ACID = Atomicity, Consistancy, Isolation, Durability
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What is atomicity?
Atomicity- Transaction completely carried out or not at all. If any part fails, it must return to its original state
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What is consistancy?
Consistancy is that it must not break the rules of referential integrity. Must take the database from one valid state to another
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What is Isolation?
Isolation is that no transaction must interfere with another one (e.g. two transactions cant operate on the same record at the same time)
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What is durability?
Durability is that once a transaction has been comitted it must remain so even in the case of an error or power failure.
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What is a query?
A Query is what is extracted from a database
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is transaction?


Transaction is a change to the database

Card 3


What does ACID stand for?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is atomicity?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is consistancy?


Preview of the front of card 5
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