D&T Test

What % of the earth is made up of land and sea?
Land 71%
Sea 29%
1 of 12
What % of land is considered habitable?
What % of the earth is considered habitable?
43% of land
12% World
2 of 12
What are the downsides on living on a submarine?
No privacy
No wifi
Pubic/communal spaces
No windows
3 of 12
how does a submarine emerge?
The air tanks (Ballast Tanks) on the sides of the submarine fill up with air. and the tip of the submarine tilts up.
4 of 12
How does a submarine submerge?
The Ballast Tanks fill up with water making it sink, and the tip of the submarine tilts down.
5 of 12
What is biomimicary and 2 examples?
Biomimicary is when a enginer or builder designs a man made invention based or influenced on a animal, e.g a windmill mimics the fins on a whale or the built train uses a humming birds beak, a penguins belly and a owls wings.
6 of 12
What are aquaponics?
They are a type of vertical planting where the produce gets its nutrient from fish or other sea animals waste.
7 of 12
What are Hydroponics?
they are a type of vertical planting that doesn't use soil, and nutrient are supplied by a special mist that fertilises the plant.
8 of 12
Why do our ears hurt when we dive underwater?
Because of the sudden pressure change and it reacts with our ears, the further we dive down the more pressure our bodies withstand and when we rise up the less pressure we take.
9 of 12
What are the benefits of using Tidal or wave power?
It's a reliable and a renewable source of energy
Produces no greenhouse gases
Its environmentally friendly
A predictable energy source
Maintains efficiency
Easy and flexible maintenance
10 of 12
What are the negatives of using tidal or wave power?
Its dependant on weather conditions
high cost associated with building tidal power stations
Spinning blades can injure living organisms, as can water fouling resulting from various system components.
Location limits.
11 of 12
What is the negative of using metal?
It rusts really easy
It corrodes over time
12 of 12

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What % of land is considered habitable?
What % of the earth is considered habitable?


43% of land
12% World

Card 3


What are the downsides on living on a submarine?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


how does a submarine emerge?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How does a submarine submerge?


Preview of the front of card 5
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