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6. What term is used when only one culture is taken into account?

  • Ethnocentrism
  • Ethnographics
  • Ethnomethodology
  • Ethnologue

7. What experiment did Van Iizendoorn and Kroonenburg use in their Meta analysis

  • Stanford prison experiment
  • Ainsworth's Strnage Situation
  • Harlow's Monkey's
  • Hazen & Shaver's Love Quiz

8. what terms best fits this definition: the way of life for an entire society

  • social norms
  • society
  • culture
  • lifestyle

9. What attachment type are babies in collectivist countries likely to have

  • Secure
  • avoidant
  • dis organised
  • resistant

10. Where were over half the studies carried out?

  • Japan
  • UK
  • America
  • West Germany

11. Where was the most intercultural variation?

  • japan
  • West Germany
  • china
  • UK

12. how any studies were carried out in collectivist cultures?

  • 7
  • 5
  • 6
  • 8

13. why do different cultures have different attachments?

  • they bring up children differently
  • the people are nicer in one culture than the other
  • they eat different foods
  • they have a better education system

14. What culture is most likely to have inter cultural variation

  • collectivist
  • Individualist
  • American
  • religious

15. according to Van Iizendoorn & Kroonenburg which attachment is the most common?

  • Type B (secure)
  • Type A (Avoidant)
  • Type D (Disorganised)
  • Type C (Resistant)

16. What attachment type are babies in individualist countries likely to have

  • resistant
  • secure
  • dis-organised
  • avoidant

17. Name a country with a collectivist culture

  • China
  • North America
  • Nigeria
  • Australia

18. how many studies were carried out in individualist cultures?

  • 25
  • 26
  • 27
  • 28

19. where was the Strange Situation developed

  • South Africa
  • Japan
  • America
  • Poland

20. according to Van Iizendoorn & Kroonenburg research what country has the most insecure resistant infants?

  • China
  • Israel
  • Russia
  • Austria