Criminal Appeals


1. Which Act states that appeals to the Court of Appeal can only be made if the conviction is considered 'unsafe' (e.g Sally Clark convicted of murdering her two babies)

  • Criminal Appeals Act 1995
  • Criminal Appeals Act 1993
  • Criminal Justice Act 2003
  • Crime and Disorder Act 1985
1 of 20

Other questions in this quiz

2. Originally, the prosecution could not appeal against an acquittal or a low sentence from the Crown Court

  • True
  • False

3. What can the Crown Court do when a defendant appeals against the conviction?

  • Confirm or Quash
  • Quash only
  • Confirm,Quash or Vary it to a lesser offence (lower only)
  • Confirm, Quash or Vary to a different offence (higher or lower)

4. What can the Crown Court do when a defendant appeals against the sentence?

  • Confirm, Decrease or Increase it using Magistrate sentencing powers
  • Confirm or Increase it
  • Confirm, Decrease or Increase it using Crown Court sentencing powers
  • Confirm or Decrease it

5. Which Act allows Attorney Generals to appeal to the Court Of Appeal against a lenient sentence? (E.g the case of Rolf Harris)

  • Criminal Justice Act 1988
  • Criminal Justice Act 2003
  • Criminal Justice Act 1994
  • Criminal Justice Act 1965


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