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6. Overall, what is Mertons theory?

  • We all follow a set of norms, those who do not agree to these, deviate away from it and creates crime.
  • The formation of subcultures and the poor relationship between us and them is what creates crime.
  • Crime is evidence for a poor fit between socially accepted goals and the socially acceptable means of achieving these goals.
  • It is the ruling class power and exploitation of the working class that creates anger and deviance.

7. In Durkheims theory, what does re-affirming the boundaries mean?

  • Some crime can act as a pressure release for workers.
  • When someone breaks the law, the resulting court sentence and publicity re-affirms the existing values.
  • Where an entire community comes together after a horrific crime and creates a sense of belonging, strengthening the community.
  • When someone who is breaking the law is treated with sympathy at the court, the public outcry to this would symbolise changing values.