Cosmological Argument

  • Created by: Kirsty
  • Created on: 12-05-13 13:01
Who was the creator of the five ways?
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What does the theory of the first three of the five ways try to prove?
What caused the world.
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What is the first way?
The unmoved mover: The motion of the word had to be changed by something else. Things stay the same unless some force or movement changes them. There must have been an unmoved mover and that is God.
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What is the second way?
The uncaused causer: Very similar to the unmoved mover. There must have been a First cause that hadn't been caused and that must be God.
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What is the third way?
Contingency: That everything in the physical world is contingent so they must have needed something else to bring then into existence.
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What does contingency mean?
Depending on something else.
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What does infinite regress mean?
A chain of causes and effects going infinitely back in time with no beginning. Aquinas disagreed with this.
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What are some weaknesses of the Cosmological Argument?
Why could't there be infinite regress? Some people have said that it doesn't make sense to say that the whole basis of the idea is to do with the idea that nothing can cause itself yet God wasn't created by anything.
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What is the Kalam argument?
Based on Arisotle's idea of the Cosmological argument. Claims that everything that exists must have had cause to make it come into existence. Developed by Muslim philosophers.
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What did Russell say about the Cosmological argument?
Russell took an atheist position (although he was actually agnostic). he said that the existence of God was beyond our human knowledge so we could never actually know the truth.
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What did Copleston say about the Cosmological argument?
He said that unless we accept the existence of the first cause then there is no explanation for the universe at all. The universe is contingent.
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What did Leibniz say about the principle of sufficient reason?
The principle of sufficient reason states that there must be reasons to state facts. There must be a reason known or unknown.
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Card 2


What does the theory of the first three of the five ways try to prove?


What caused the world.

Card 3


What is the first way?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the second way?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the third way?


Preview of the front of card 5
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