
  • Created by: Markio
  • Created on: 08-05-21 15:48
What is social engineering
Technique used by criminals to reveal sensitive I formation by pretending to be a bank or a site you use
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What is phishing
Type of social engineering but it's often by an email link or pretending there is a problem
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What is a brute force attack
Software that tries to guess every password to get into your data
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What is a DoS attack
Spam commands into a server so it over loads and crashes
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What is an SQL injection
Enters malicious code into web form so it can bypass authentication process and access data
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What are the different types of malware and what do they do
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What do viruses do and how are they spread
Corrupt and modify data and spread by websites and removable media
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What do worms do and how are they spread
Replicate and are very effective spread by emails and peer to peer
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What do Trojans do
Hode in legitimate software and created changes in security for hackers to get in and get data
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What does spyware do and how is it spread
Gathers data about your activity and gives it to 3rd party. Can also redirect you to sites with other malware and is spread from pop up ads
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What do keyloggers do
Record every key you press and every mouse click and spread to third party
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What does Ransome ware do
Encrypted or locks data and demands a payment for access
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How do you prevent malware
Firewall,antispy,spam filter
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How do you prevent phishing
Diable browsers pop ups
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Prevent DOS
Firewall, packet filtering
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How do prevent data interception
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How do you prevent SQL injections
Input validation and penetration testing
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What is penetration testing
Getting people to hack into your site
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What are fire walls
Scans packets for malicious code
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How do you prevent brute force attacks
Captchas and progressive delays
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What is an ethical problem with computing
Increase in cyber bullying
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What is an environmental issue with computing
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What is a cultural issue with computing
Different pace of tech and the digital device between people who can afford it and who cant
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What is a legal issue with computing
Data protection act 1998,computer misuse 1990,copyright design and patent act 1988 and the freedom of imagination act 2000
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What does data protection act do
All data must be secure and accurate and has to be relevant
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What does the computer misuse act do
Illegal to make unauthorised access to data
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What does the copywriter act do
Illegal to copy, modify or publish media without permission
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What does the freedom of information act do
people can request information from public bodies
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What is a creative commons license
Allows the author to retain copyright but individuals can copy and distribute their work
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What are the privacy issues with computing
Data being held for 6 months,face recognition and smart devices listening and recording things you say
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What is open source software
Users can modify and distribute software and have access to source code but its more always tested
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What is proprietary software
Users can modify work under the copyright act but dknt have access to source code and its tested before being released
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is phishing


Type of social engineering but it's often by an email link or pretending there is a problem

Card 3


What is a brute force attack


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is a DoS attack


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is an SQL injection


Preview of the front of card 5
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