Abbeyfield malware

  • Created by: UHE1
  • Created on: 12-06-19 13:01
A program that is designed to cause some form of harm to a computer or network.
1 of 10
Emails that pretend as if they are from a legitimate source but are actually from fraudsters. The aim is to steal money, log in details or identities.
2 of 10
Attempting to gain unauthorised access by testing combinations of different passwords. Could use a dictionary of commonly used passwords or try every possible key combination.
Brute force
3 of 10
Preventing legitimate access to a web server by bombarding it with traffic. There is a limit to how many connections a server can maintain at any time. Too much traffic will cause the server to become very slow or crash. The same can happen to email
Denial of Service attacks.
4 of 10
Combination of different methods to gain unauthorised access to data. Includes packet sniffing (intercepting and looking at the data inside data packets), shouldering (looking over someone's shoulder to see what they type), using someone's computer i
Data interception and theft
5 of 10
What is it called when there are vulnerabilities due to poor planning, poorly written code, lack of staff training or lack of staff guidelines or insufficient security measures?
6 of 10
A piece of malware that attaches itself to a program or file. Cannot affect a computer unless the infected file is executed. Damage caused could be anything from annoying to deleting system files.
7 of 10
A piece of malware that pretends to be a legitimate bit of software but once installed does something different. What they do could vary from making annoying changes, deleting files to opening a backdoor to allow malicious users access.
8 of 10
Used to identify weaknesses in a system. Tasks can include identifying possible target areas, looking for possible entry points, attempting to break in and seeing how much damage different user levels could cause.
Penetration testing
9 of 10
Captures, stores and analyses data about the network. The information can identify normal patterns and trends. When something occurs that does not fit the normal, it can hopefully be identified and stopped before it causes damage.
Network forensics
10 of 10

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Emails that pretend as if they are from a legitimate source but are actually from fraudsters. The aim is to steal money, log in details or identities.



Card 3


Attempting to gain unauthorised access by testing combinations of different passwords. Could use a dictionary of commonly used passwords or try every possible key combination.


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Preventing legitimate access to a web server by bombarding it with traffic. There is a limit to how many connections a server can maintain at any time. Too much traffic will cause the server to become very slow or crash. The same can happen to email


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Combination of different methods to gain unauthorised access to data. Includes packet sniffing (intercepting and looking at the data inside data packets), shouldering (looking over someone's shoulder to see what they type), using someone's computer i


Preview of the front of card 5
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