GCSE Computer Science Key words Q-Z

  • Created by: DSD
  • Created on: 30-12-17 12:12
A request to retrieve data that meets certain conditions from a database.
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The main memory of a computer. (Volatile)
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A type of malware that uses encryption to lock the user out of their files.
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Real (data type)
A numerical data type for decimal numbers.
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A data structure used to store multiple items of data about one ’thing’ together. A row in a database table
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A temporary data store inside a CPU.
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Repetitive strain injury (RSI)
A health problem caused by doing repeated movements over a long period of time.
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The density of pixels in an image, often measured in dpi.
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Ring topology
A network topology where the devices are connected in a ring, with data moving in one direction.
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ROM (Read only memory)
Memory that can be read but not written to.
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A piece of hardware responsible for transmitting data between networks.
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Run-time environment
Allows code to be run and tested from within an IDE.
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Sample size (Audio)
The number of bits available for each audio sample .
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Sampling frequency (Audio)
The number of audio samples that are taken per second.
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Sampling intervals (Audio)
The time between each sample.
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Sanitisation (programming)
Removing unwanted characters from an input.
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A type of malware that creates false messages to trick the user into following malicious links.
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A simple program, often run on command-line interfaces to automate tasks.
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Search algorithm
A set of instructions that you can follow to find an item in a list.
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Secondary storage
External data storage used to store data so that the computer can be switched off.
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Selection statement
A statement which causes the program to make a choice and flow in a given direction — e.g. IF and SWITCH»CASE statements.
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A device which provides services for other devices (clients), e.g. file storage / web pages / primer access.
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Sharing economy
Where people make money from things they already own.
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When an operating system only allows one user to use it at any one time.
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SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
Used to send emails and transfer emails between servers.
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Social engineering
A way of gaining illegal access to data or networks by influencing people.
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Social media
Web applications which allow people to communicate and share content with others online.
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Programs or applications that can be run on a computer system.
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Software licence
A legal agreement that states how software can be used and distributed.
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Solid state drive (SSD)
Alternative to a traditional magnetic hard disk drive that uses flash memory.
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Sorting algorithm - Bubble, Merge, Insertion etc
A set of instructions that you can follow to order a list of items.
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Source code
The actual written code of a program.
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Spoof website
A fake website that tricks users into thinking it’s another well known website.
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A type of malware which secretly monitors and records user actions.
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SQL (Structured Query Language)
A programming language used to manage and search databases.
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SQL injection
A piece of SQL code which can be typed into an input box to try and attack the SQL database.
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Somebody who has an interest in or is affected by the decisions of an organisation.
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Star topology
A type of network topology where all devices are connected to a central switch or server which controls the network.
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Static IP address
A permanent IP address.
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Storage device
A device used to read and write data to a storage medium.
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Storage medium
A thing that holds data. It can be part of the storage device (e.g. magnetic disks inside a hard drive) or separate (like a CD).
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A data type for text.
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Sub program
A set of code within a program that can be called at any time from the main program.
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The act of monitoring what people are accessing on the Internet
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SWITCH-CASE statement
A type of selection statement.
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Switch (network)
Connects devices together on a LAN and directs frames of data to the correct device.
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Syntax error
An error in the code where the rules or grammar of the programming language have been broken.
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System software
Software designed to run or maintain a computer system. Also known as utility software.
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A set of protocols which dictate how data is sent over the Internet. Made up of Transmission Control Protocol.
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1000 gigabytes.
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Tertiary storage
High-capacity external storage used mainly for back ups.
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Test data
Inputs that are chosen to see if a program is behaving as intended.
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A way of checking if a program functions correctly and meets certain requirements.
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Test plan
A detailed plan of how a program is going to be tested including what test data will be used.
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Topology (networks)
How the devices in a network are connected together.
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Traffic (networks)
The amount of data travelling on a network.
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A program that turns a programming language into machine code.
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A type of malware which is disguised as legitimate software.
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The act of trying to provoke public arguments online.
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Truth table
A table listing all possible binary inputs through a logic circuit, with the corresponding outputs.
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A large character set that attempts to include all possible characters.
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URL (Uniform Resource locator)
An address used to access web servers and resources on them.
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User access levels
Controls what files or areas of the network different groups of users can access.
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User interface
Provides a way for the user to interact with the computer.
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Utility software
Software designed to help maintain a computer system.
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Checking that an input meets certain criteria.
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A named value which can be changed as the program is running.
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Content on the Internet which has spread rapidly via social media.
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Virtual memory
Area of secondary storage used by the OS as extra RAM.
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Virtual network
A software-based network that exists between devices on a physical network.
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Virtual server
A software-based server. 45 virus A type of malware which spreads by attaching itself to files.
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Volatile memory
Memory that loses its contents when it has no power.
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Von Neumann
A type of CPU architecture.
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WAN (Wide Area Network)
A network which connects networks in different geographical locations.
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WHILE loop
Type of iteration statement.
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The standard used for wireless connections between devices.
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A GUI based on windows, icons, menus and pointers.
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Wireless access point (WAP)
A piece of hardware that allows devices to connect wirelessly.
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World wide web (www)
The collection of websites hosted on the Internet.
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A type of malware which replicates itself.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


The main memory of a computer. (Volatile)



Card 3


A type of malware that uses encryption to lock the user out of their files.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


A numerical data type for decimal numbers.


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


A data structure used to store multiple items of data about one ’thing’ together. A row in a database table


Preview of the back of card 5
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Bob was here!



repetitive strain injury shoulkdnt be on there by the way



The answer to all these questions are magic

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