
Capitalist leadership
One leader, voted for by the people. They work with the parliament to pass laws and can come from a variety of political parties.
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Communist leadership
Ideally no need for a leader. it is run by a committee wich means no need for voting. It oversees day to day business and there is only one political party.
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Capitalist factories
Owned by individuals or companies who mass produce and sell as much as possible for profit.
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Communist factories
No need for an owner as the factory is owned by the government. It only makes what is needed by the state and are not for profit.
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Capitalist farmers
Farmers produce for their own gain and sell as much food as possible for profit. They personally buy equipment and tools to make work efficient.
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Communist farmers
Farmers produce for the state and all produce is taken and given out to the people so there is no profit. Machinery is provided by the state.
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Card 2


Ideally no need for a leader. it is run by a committee wich means no need for voting. It oversees day to day business and there is only one political party.


Communist leadership

Card 3


Owned by individuals or companies who mass produce and sell as much as possible for profit.


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Card 4


No need for an owner as the factory is owned by the government. It only makes what is needed by the state and are not for profit.


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Card 5


Farmers produce for their own gain and sell as much food as possible for profit. They personally buy equipment and tools to make work efficient.


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