Collectivisation Impact

Features of Collectivisation?
- Peasants had to put their land together to form large join farms called Kolkhoz
- They could keep small plots for personal use
- Animals + tools - to be shared
- Motor tractors provided by govt.
- 90% of produce sold to state. Profit: shared nationwide
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Why did bigger farms help Stalin in his various aims for industry and farming?
- Easier to make efficient use of tractors, fertilisers + other new farming methods, therefore more food produced
- Mechanised farming: fewer workers needed. More peasants can go for industrial work.
- Easier to collect taxes and grain
- More socialist th
2 of 6
What kind of resistance did the scheme of Collectivisation face?
- Peasants burnt their crops and houses
- Kulaks wanted to rule their piece of land w/out government inteference
- didn't want 2 hand over animals and tools
- didnt wan b ordered around by farm managers
- KULAKS: Wanted employed agricultural workers
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How did Stalin tackle the resistance?
- sent propaganda 'activists' which were backed up by secret police to 'persuade'
- prop. campaign informing the peasants of advantages of joint farms began
- blamed kulaks for all the trouble; announced liquidation of kulak class
- rounded up and deporte
4 of 6
What made the peasants suffer in 1930-32?
-Stalin's activities led to huge disruption in countryside, leading to food shortage
- + poor harvest: widespread worst famine
- esp in Ukraine during 32-33
- govt. made it worse, didn't acknowledge famine
- still sent out gangs to collect grains for work
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What was the final impact of the famine + what did Stalin get from achieving his aim of Collectivisation?
- By 1934, no Kulaks left
- By 41, almost all agri. land under collectivised sys
- Eventually more grain was produced
-No. of animals didn't reach pre-coll. levels till 40
- Stalin had control of grain supply
- He had implemented new techniques of farmi
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Card 2


- Easier to make efficient use of tractors, fertilisers + other new farming methods, therefore more food produced
- Mechanised farming: fewer workers needed. More peasants can go for industrial work.
- Easier to collect taxes and grain
- More socialist th


Why did bigger farms help Stalin in his various aims for industry and farming?

Card 3


- Peasants burnt their crops and houses
- Kulaks wanted to rule their piece of land w/out government inteference
- didn't want 2 hand over animals and tools
- didnt wan b ordered around by farm managers
- KULAKS: Wanted employed agricultural workers


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Card 4


- sent propaganda 'activists' which were backed up by secret police to 'persuade'
- prop. campaign informing the peasants of advantages of joint farms began
- blamed kulaks for all the trouble; announced liquidation of kulak class
- rounded up and deporte


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Card 5


-Stalin's activities led to huge disruption in countryside, leading to food shortage
- + poor harvest: widespread worst famine
- esp in Ukraine during 32-33
- govt. made it worse, didn't acknowledge famine
- still sent out gangs to collect grains for work


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