Cold War - 7: Increasing Cold War Tension

  • Created by: Madisonxo
  • Created on: 26-01-19 14:28
What was the House of Un-American Activities Committee?
A committe that carried out investigations on the patriotism and political affiliations of Hollywood filmmakers.
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What was the Alger Hiss affair?
Hiss = member of Roosevelt's pre-war+wartime governments. He was accused in '48 of being a communist (by comm. journalist Whittaker Chambers) + when he was convicted of perjury Acheson offered public support to him.
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How did Dean Acheson offering support to Alger Hiss heighten anti-communist views?
It heightened belief in the notion that the USA's leaders were somehow tainted with communism.
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Who was Joseph McCarthy?
Republican senatory who pushed McCarthyism - Put pressure on Truman's administration to tighten the gov's attitude towards the notion that a communist global plot threatened the US. He pushed the idea that communists had infiltrated the US gov.
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McCarthy views on: Education?
Referred to teachers as 'Reducators' and said they were undermining US traditions and customs and questioning the correctness of the US way of life.
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What did McCarthy say in 1954? Effects of this?
Claimed that the 'Reds' had infiltrated the US army - in a televised confrontation army counsel J. Welch asked 'Have you no sense of decency?'+ in Dec.54 McCarthy was found guilty of bringing the army into disrepute by the US senate (End of McCarthy)
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What did McCarthyism do to US foreign policy?
McCarthyism emphasised the urgency of moving US policy away from a Eurocentric focus and towards a more determined 'Asia first' viewpoint. He took the view that although containment left Europe secure, Asia was much less secure.
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How did Britain view the globalisation of the US role?
It was not in Britain's interests - Thought that it may lead to the destabilisation of Europe while everyone was focused on Asia. BUT Britain wanted to remain a close US ally and made signif military contribution to the Korean War.
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Where are the headquarters of the UN, why is this significant?
New York - signif. because of the US dominance when the UN was first established.
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When was the UN created?
October 1945
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What was the composition of the UN when it was established?
Pro-Western membership, out of 50, 20 were pro-capitalist Central+South American states. Middle East - pro-Western incl. Iran, Iraq, Eqypt. Only 2 African states: Ethiopia and Liberia.
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How did European Empires increase US dominance in the UN?
Until the mid-50's, European empires were largely intact, this mean decolonisation hadn't begun. The absence of newly colonised states removed any possibility of them functioning as pro-Soviet or non-aligned states in the UN.
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How did the situation in China increase US dominance in the UN?
The nationalist regime in Taiwan held China's seat in the UN and mainland China was disqualified from UN membership on the grounds that it had been the aggressor during the Chinese Civil War.
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How did Eastern European state membership increase US dominance in the UN?
The only Eastern European state in the UN in 1945 was Poland - the membership of the UN was weighed in favour of pro-Western, capitalist and therefore US interests.
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Who were the 5 permanent members of the UN Security Council?
USA, Britain, France, USSR and China - All had veto power.
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How did the US isolate China?
1) Refused to allow China in the UN 2) enhanced US commitment to Taiwan 3) creation of the strategic defence perimeter 4) creation of SEATO.
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Card 2


What was the Alger Hiss affair?


Hiss = member of Roosevelt's pre-war+wartime governments. He was accused in '48 of being a communist (by comm. journalist Whittaker Chambers) + when he was convicted of perjury Acheson offered public support to him.

Card 3


How did Dean Acheson offering support to Alger Hiss heighten anti-communist views?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Who was Joseph McCarthy?


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Card 5


McCarthy views on: Education?


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