cognition and development

What is a schema ?
A set of linked mental representations of the world, used to understand and respond to situations.
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The stages of schema adaption
1. Assimulation - applying a schema to a new situation

2. Equilibrium - something that cant be included within existing schema

3. Accommodation - modifying a schema to deal with a situation more effectively
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What is Piagets stages of development
theory ?
A universal stage theory of cognitive development.
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What is the first stage ?
Sensorimotor stage - 0-2 years, children interact and explore the environment through senses

Child aquires object permanance at 8 months - understanding that an onject continues to exist even when it is no longer visible
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Sensori motor research evidence
Piaget put a toy behind a screen, until 8 months old children would switch their attention away once out of sight until 8 months when they would actively search for it.
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What is the second stage ?
Pre - operational stage - 2-7 years start to display evidence of thinking unlogically. Children are egocentric (cant see through someone elses POV) and unable to understand conservation (redistributing material)
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Pre - operational stage
research evidence
Piaget and Inhelder - three mountains experiment to investigate ecocentrism, They had to decide the POV of a doll, children 4-5 chose their own POV, 7 years chose anothers view but not correct and 7+ chose the dolls POV
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What is the third stage ?
Concrete operational stage- 7-11 years start to think logically about concrete problems. Can perform class inclusion (understand catagories and subcatagories)
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Concrete operational stage
research evidence
Children were asked whether a box contained more brown wooden beads or white wooden beads, only children above 6 could give correct answers
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What is the forth stage ?
Formal operational stage - 12+ Children can apply mental operations to abstract concepts and can think hypothetically.
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Formal operational stage
research evidence
Children were asked, if they had a third eye where would they put it. Shaffer reported that 9 years said forehead, 11+ were inventive.
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Piaget theory evaluation
Only obseved a small unrepresntative sample of children- not generalisable

Had influence on early education- discovery play

Recieved cross cultural support USA, UK and Africa
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What was Vygotskys theory ?
Vygotsky developed a socio-cultural approach to cognitive development, believing culture plays a part in the cognitive development
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What is collaborative interaction ?
Important learning by a child through sicial interaction with an adult or more knowledgeable peer who can provide verbal instructions for the child.
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What is the Zone of proximal development ?
The gap between what a child can achive independantly and what a child can achieve with guidence and encouragement
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What is scaffolding ?
The gradual withdrawral of adult control and support as a child increases their ability.
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Supporting evidence for vygotskys theory
Wood and Middleton investigated children in a purposely tricky block-building task, initially aprents gave a demo, then would stop helping but give verbal suggestions.
CONCLUSION - childs understandinng is supported by adults .
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Evaluation of Vygotskys theory
Greenfield and Lave observed young mexican girls watching skiled women weavers and gradually worked from guiednce - supports vygotsky

However potential observer effects as parents may of changed behaviour effecting the validity of the findings.
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What is social Cognition ?
The mental processes we use when engaged in social interaction
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What is perspective taking ?
Our ability to appreciate a situation from anothers point of view. understanding what others are thinking and feeling
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What is stage 0 of Selmans social cognitive development ?
3-6 years

Socially egocentric - child cant reliably distinguish between own emotions and those of others, can identify emotional states. but dont understand what may of caused
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What is stage 1 of Selmans social cognitive development ?
6-8 years

Social information role-taking - can tell the difference between own POV and others, but can usually only focus on one at a time.
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What is stage 2 of Selmans social cognitive development ?
8-10 years

Self reflective role taking - Can put themselves in position of others and fully appreciate their POV but can still only focus on one at a time
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What is stage 3 of Selmans social cognitive development ?
10-12 years

Mutual role taking- can look at a situation from both theirs and anothers POV at the same time, can understand how another person is viewed by a 3rd person.
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What is stage 4 of Selmans social cognitive development ?
12+ years

Social and conventional system role taking - able to see that sometimes understanding others viewpoints isnt enough to allow people to reach agreement
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A strength and weakness of Selman
STRENGTH - his positive correlation between age and perspective taking was supported by longitudinal studies
WEAKNESS - There are cultural diferences, young adult chinese ppts did better than Americans
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What is Theory of mind ?
Our personal understanding of what other people are thinking and feeling. Our theory of what is going on in the mind of another person.
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What was the Sally-Anne study ?
Children were told a story using dolls, Sally places marble in basket but when not looking Anne moves the marble to her box. Task is to work out where sally will look for her marble. Children should identify that sally will look in her basket.
An understa
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Evidence as TOM as an explanation for autism
Baron- Cohen et al

20 high functioning autistic kids were composed to two control groups - 14 with ASD and 14 without

85% in control groups could identify where sally would look, however only 20% in the ASD group got the answer right
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What was the eyes task ?
Adults with asperges (type of ASD) succeeded at the sally-anne study so baron-cohen made a more complex task.
The eyes task involves reading emotions in pictures of eyes - it was found they did struggle with this which supports the TOM for ASD.
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Theory of mind Evaluation
WEAKNESS - No clear understanding of how TOM develops
WEAKNESS - May lack validity, looking at a static pair of eyes to gage emotion is unrealistic therefore may lack internal validity
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What is a mirror neuron system ?
Mirror neurons in the brain that fire in response to personal action and in response to other humans, they mirror motor activity and are involved in social cognition, allowing us to intepret emotion in others.
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Mirror neurons in TOM and perspective taking
If mirror neurons fire in response to others, this may give a neural mechanism for understanding others POV's and emotions which allows us to interpret what others are thinking and feeling.
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What is Mirror Neurons explanation for ASD ?
Ramachandran and oberman proposed the broken mirror which is the idea that neurological deficits prevent a child imitating and understanding social behaviour which causes problems with communication etc...
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Evaluation of Mirror neuron role in social cognition
STRENGTH - Haker et al demonstrated an area of the brain which is involved in yawning to be filled with mirror neurons.
WEAKNESS - difficult to study as brain scan techniques identify activity levels in the regions but not in individual brain cells - lack
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


The stages of schema adaption


1. Assimulation - applying a schema to a new situation

2. Equilibrium - something that cant be included within existing schema

3. Accommodation - modifying a schema to deal with a situation more effectively

Card 3


What is Piagets stages of development
theory ?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the first stage ?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Sensori motor research evidence


Preview of the front of card 5
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