coastal landscape development, sand dunes, mudflats

  • Created by: teese
  • Created on: 05-04-22 13:06
Name the succession of dunes as they move inland
fore dune
dune slack
1 of 10
Name the 2 common plants that grow on embryo and fore dunes
sea rocket
sea couch
2 of 10
the plant type that can withstand periods of dry weather
3 of 10
the plant type that can withstand high concentrations of salt from sea water
4 of 10
What are estuaries?
locations where rivers extend into the coastal zone
5 of 10
Why are estuaries important?
They have large stores of sediment (sediment sink). They also are a significant sink of carbon and metals.
6 of 10
Explain the processes in developing an estuarine mudflat and the conditions needed.
1) caused by deposition at the edges of an estuary or the landward side of a spit
2) sheltered shorelines that are not exposed to powerful waves
3) silt and clay
7 of 10
Why are mudflats described as inter-tidal areas?
they are only exposed at low tide and submerged at high
8 of 10
What is flocculation?
individual particles clump together to form larger, heavier particles, causing them to sink to the bed.
9 of 10
What are mud flats susceptible to?
changes in:
sea level
wave action
river discharge levels in a river
tidal flows
10 of 10

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Name the 2 common plants that grow on embryo and fore dunes


sea rocket
sea couch

Card 3


the plant type that can withstand periods of dry weather


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


the plant type that can withstand high concentrations of salt from sea water


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Card 5


What are estuaries?


Preview of the front of card 5
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