Clinical Characteristics

  • Created by: FatCat3
  • Created on: 08-03-22 18:23
what do psychiatrists use to diagnose psychological disorders and what are these symptoms categorised to?
ICD (international statistical classification of diseases and related health problems)
behavioural, emotional and cognitive
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what are phobias?
phobias is an anxiety disorder which can causes an irrational fear
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what are the 3 diff types of phobias?
(state not explain)
.Simple phobias
.Social phobias
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what are simple phobias are the characteristics?
it is the most common type of phobias, its for a specific object/situation. its spirit into 4 categories ; animal phobias (ie spiders), injury phobias (ie fear of blood), situational phobias (ie acrophobia) and natural phobias (ie hydrophobia)
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what are social phobias and the characteristics?
there are feelings of anxiety in social situations ie speech, there are feelings of being judged. its split into 3 categories; performance phobia (ie eating in a restaurant w friends), interaction phobias (ie answering qs during an interview)-
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counting w previous card
and generalised phobias (ie when in large crowds such as a concert)
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what is agoraphobia and its characteristics?
the fear of open spaces, making them experience panic attacks and anxiet, it can be caused by simple phobias ie fear of contamination can lead to fear of public spaces.
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what are the behavioural, emotional and cognitive characteristics of phobias?
behavioural- the immediate response is avoidance and panic (happens when they cant avoid it) which increases levels of stress. it can cause freezing which is the fight/flight mode
emotional- excessive and unreasonable fear-
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-anxiety and panic, triggered by anticipation of object/situation
cognitive-selective attention (difficult to divert attention so they're fixated of the fear) and irrational behaviour (due to thinking irrationally)
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what is depression and its characteristics?
a category of mood disorders divided into 2 main types; unipolar and bipolar(manic-depression). to be given the diagnosis, sufferers need to display 5 symptoms everyday for 2 weeks.
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what are the behavioural, emotional and cognitive characteristics of this?
behavioural- loss of energy, sleep disturbance (insomnia/too much sleep), changes in appetite (so changes in weight as eating more/less) and changes in anxiety levels as they're constantly tired due to these changes
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emotional- depression, depressed mood, feelings of worthlessness, lack of interest in activities or anger which causes self-harming.
cognitive- diminished ability to concentrate (difficult to maintain attention) and tendency to focus on negatives.
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what is OCD and its characteristics?
an anxiety disorder with 2 main components; obsessions (recurring thoughts) and compulsions (repetitive behaviours). 70% suffer from both, 20% suffer only obsessions and 10% only compulsions.
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what are the behavioural, emotional and cognitive characteristics?
behavioural- centres on compulsive behaviour, compulsion are repetitive, sufferers will often feel want to repeat behaviours and is sued to reduce anxiety ie hand washing to get rid of germs
emotional- anxiety (high stress levels and-
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-forbidden reoccurring thoughts) and depression (low moods, loss of pleasure in activities)
cognitive- obsessive thoughts, reoccurring include fear of contamination, fear of safety, religious fears of retribution, etc
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what are cognitive strategies?
these are adapted to let OCD sufferers know their obsessions are irrational and experience selective attention directed towards the anxiety- generating stimuli, ie religious obsessors may pray over and over again
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name the EXT evaluations
-lacks cross-cultural statistics/ ethnocentric bias
-environmental reductionism- phobias+OCD can be seen as learnt responses to stress triggers, allowing stress reduction by avoidance and obsessive rituals.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what are phobias?


phobias is an anxiety disorder which can causes an irrational fear

Card 3


what are the 3 diff types of phobias?
(state not explain)


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what are simple phobias are the characteristics?


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Card 5


what are social phobias and the characteristics?


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