
what animals kingdoms are there?
-plants -animals -fungi -protocists -prokaryotes
1 of 21
what are protoctists
algae,they are uncellular with a nucleus
2 of 21
what are prokaryotes
bacteria,they are also uncellular without a nucleus
3 of 21
what do vertebrates have?
back bone and an internal skeleton
4 of 21
what do invertebrate not have?
back bone and an internal skeleton
5 of 21
what vertebrates are there?
fish,amphibians,reptiles,birds and mammals
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what is oviparous?
a term used for reptiles that lay eggs
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whats is the name of an offspring from two different species?
8 of 21
what is an species
9 of 21
what is the two part latin name given for a species in the bionomial system?
first part is the genus the organism belongs to,second part refers to the species
10 of 21
what can variation be caused by
11 of 21
why is variation caused by genes
50% come from the mum and the other 50 % comes from the dad.. the combination of the ggenes cause genetic variaton
12 of 21
what else can cause variation
can be caused by genetic or environmental aswell a mutation
13 of 21
what is a mutation
a mutation is copying of a chromosome when a mistake is made. gene mutation is recessive hided by dominate
14 of 21
what is a chromosome
long complex chain of DNA
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what is a gene
short chunks of DNA carrying instructions for a particular characterist
16 of 21
male or female sex cell
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what are DNA?
the material from which genes are formed
18 of 21
how many chromosomes are there
23 pair
19 of 21
what does DNA stand for
deoxribo nucleic acid
20 of 21
why do genes carry inherited diseaseds
they can be caused my faulty genes or same sex linked
21 of 21

Other cards in this set

Card 2


what are protoctists


algae,they are uncellular with a nucleus

Card 3


what are prokaryotes


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what do vertebrates have?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what do invertebrate not have?


Preview of the front of card 5
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