CLassical Conditioning

Unconditioned stimulus
Any stimulus that creates a natural unconditioned response
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Unconditioned response
A response that occurs naturally without any form of learning
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Natural stimulus
Stimulus that doesnt create a response
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Conditioned stimulus
A stimulus that has been associated with an unconditioned stimulus and now produces the same response
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Conditioned response
A behaviour that is shown in response to a learned stimulus
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Give an example of classic conditions (A02)
Taking out food- no response, food- cat salivates, taking out food + food- Cat salivates, Taking out food- Cat salivates
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Stimulus generalisation
Stimuli that is similar to conditioned stimulus causes same conditioned response, e.g. can of cat food & can of beans create same response
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Animal is able to discriminate between stimulus, e.g. jar of jam and can of cat food
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Conditioned response can be lost as association is lost due to no maintenance of conditioning, e.g. cat food being brought out but no food given
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Spontaneous recovery
Conditioned response can return after extinction if associated again
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What was Pavlov's aim?
To see if reflexive behaviour (salivating in dogs) can be produced in new situations through learning and association
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Pavlov's IV
The dogs natural reflex behaviour and the dogs behaviour
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Pavlov's DV
The volume of saliva produced
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Experimental design
Repeated measures- the same dogs in each condition
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Mouth linked to a tube so saliva, food presented to dogs immediately after metronome ticks
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Unconditioned response
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Unconditioned stimulus
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Natural stimulus
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Conditioned stimulus
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Conditioned response
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How was the experiment controlled to reduce extraneous variables?
The dogs were put in a sealed room that reduces their senses- couldnt see hear or smell anything outside of the room which could disturb the association
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The dogs became conditioned and so associated the metronome with the food and started to salivate at the sound of the metronome, the conditioned dogs would start salivating 9 seconds after the metronome
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An unconditioned response can be associated with a neutral stimulus by presenting unconditioned stimulus with neutral stimulus
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Good control over extraneous variables, used experimental method so can establish cause-effect relationship, colleges carried out same/similar studies and got same results (high reliability)
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Study uses animals- low generalisability, lab study so low ecological validity
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Unconditioned response


A response that occurs naturally without any form of learning

Card 3


Natural stimulus


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Conditioned stimulus


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Conditioned response


Preview of the front of card 5
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