Circle of Fifths.

What is the relative minor of C major?
A minor
1 of 37
What is the relative minor of G major?
E minor
2 of 37
What is the relative minor of D major?
B minor
3 of 37
What is the relative minor of A major?
F# minor
4 of 37
What is the relative minor of E major?
C# minor
5 of 37
What is the relative minor of B minor?
G# minor
6 of 37
What is the relative minor of F# minor
D# minor
7 of 37
What is the relative minor of C# major?
A# minor
8 of 37
What is the relative minor of A♭ major?
F minor
9 of 37
What is the relative minor of E♭ major?
C minor
10 of 37
What is the relative minor of B♭ major?
G minor
11 of 37
What is the relative minor of F major?
D minor
12 of 37
Name the flats in F major
13 of 37
Name the flats in B♭ major
B♭ E♭
14 of 37
Name the flats in E♭ major
B♭ E♭ A♭
15 of 37
Name the flats in D♭ major
B♭ E♭ A♭ D♭ G♭
16 of 37
Name the flats in G♭ major
B♭ E♭ A♭ D♭ G♭ C♭
17 of 37
Name the flats in C♭ major
B♭ E♭ A♭ D♭ G♭ C♭ F♭
18 of 37
Name the sharps in G major
19 of 37
Name the sharps in D major
F# C#
20 of 37
Name the sharps in A major
F# C# G#
21 of 37
Name the sharps in E major
F# C# G# D#
22 of 37
Name the sharps in B major
F# C# G# D# A#
23 of 37
Name the sharps in F# Major
F# C# G# D# A# E#
24 of 37
Name the sharps in C# major
F# C# G# D# A# E# B#
25 of 37
What is the relative major of A minor?
C major
26 of 37
What is the relative major of E minor?
G major
27 of 37
What is the relative major of B minor?
D major
28 of 37
What is the relative major of F# minor?
A major
29 of 37
What is the relative major of C# minor?
E major
30 of 37
What is the relative major G# minor?
B major
31 of 37
What is the relative major of D# minor?
F# major
32 of 37
What is the relative major of A# minor?
C# major
33 of 37
What is the relative major of F minor?
A♭ major
34 of 37
What is the relative major of C minor?
E♭ major
35 of 37
What is the relative major of G minor
B♭ major
36 of 37
What is the relative minor of F major?
D minor
37 of 37

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the relative minor of G major?


E minor

Card 3


What is the relative minor of D major?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the relative minor of A major?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the relative minor of E major?


Preview of the front of card 5
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