circadian rhythms

  • Created by: 18muire
  • Created on: 12-02-19 15:55
how long are circadian rhythms?
around 24 hours
1 of 18
examples of circadian rhythms?
core body temperature and sleep-wake cycle
2 of 18
what controls these rhythms?
the hypothalamus
3 of 18
what provides the primary input to this system and sets the body clock to the correct time?
4 of 18
What external factor impacts when we feel as though we should sleep and be awake?
5 of 18
what time is the post lunch dip?
6 of 18
when we have been awake for a long time what factor plays a role in telling our body we need to sleep other than the circadian rhythm?
7 of 18
the internal body clock will remain around 24-25 hours without external cues true or false?
8 of 18
when is our body temperature the lowest?
about 4;30 am
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when is our body temp the highest?
around 6pm
10 of 18
hormone production follows a circadian rhythm true or false?
11 of 18
what did hughes find out from his ppts who lived in the arctic hormones?
in feburary cortosil levels were highest when they awoke and lowest before bed however after 3 months of pure darkness peak levels were in the afternoon rather than when the awoke.
12 of 18
what does Hughes research support the idea of?
external cues have an impact on circadian rhythms
13 of 18
reserch into circadian rhythms can be criticised becuase of their choice of ...
14 of 18
all external cues were banished apart from...
artificial light
15 of 18
how come artificial light wasn't banished?
because the researchers didnt think that it would have the same impact as natural light does on circadian rhythms however research suggests that this may not be true
16 of 18
what responds to light entering the eye?
17 of 18
what do Buhr et al believe about temperature?
it controls our body clock rather than light doing so.
18 of 18

Other cards in this set

Card 2


examples of circadian rhythms?


core body temperature and sleep-wake cycle

Card 3


what controls these rhythms?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what provides the primary input to this system and sets the body clock to the correct time?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What external factor impacts when we feel as though we should sleep and be awake?


Preview of the front of card 5
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