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6. How is separation achieved with a solid stationary phase?

  • They don't separate
  • Adsorption
  • Relative solubility

7. What is one limitation of TLC?

  • Only 3 colours are produced
  • Not all components will separate
  • The solvent may not travel all the way to the top

8. Retention time and Rf values are ...?

  • The same
  • Different
  • Opposites

9. What is a mobile phase?

  • Its a phone
  • Is the phase that moves in chromotography
  • Is the phase that stays still in chromotography

10. What is the stationary and mobile phase in TLC?

  • Stationary - A solid (silica gel/alumina) Mobile - solvent
  • Stationary - A liquid, Mobile - a gas
  • Stationary - A solid, Mobile - a gas