Other questions in this quiz

2. Where is sperm deposited during sexual intercourse?

  • Vagina
  • Bladder
  • Anus
  • Uretha

3. technical name for a uterus

  • zygote
  • ova
  • ovum
  • embryo

4. What is shed during menstruation?

  • funnel
  • uterus lining
  • vagina
  • uretha
  • cervix

5. What are some changes that happen to a man during puberty?

  • in this question you need to write a full answer
  • ^


Callum Wallis


women are inferior, men are the master species.



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question 3 is wrong, none of the answers are the technical name for a uterus. 'ovum' which is supposdely the correct answer of the plural of ova, which are eggs.

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