Chemistry Unit 2

What is the suffix of Alkanes?
1 of 16
What is the prefix and suffix of Side chains in branched alkanes?
alkyl- -yl
2 of 16
What is the suffix of Alkenes?
3 of 16
What is the prefix of Halogenoalkanes?
Chloro- Floro- etc.
4 of 16
What is the suffix of alcohols?
5 of 16
What is the suffix of Aldehydes?
6 of 16
What is the suffix of Ketones?
7 of 16
What is the prefix and suffix of Cycloalkanes?
Cyclo- -ane
8 of 16
What is the prefix of Arenes?
9 of 16
What is the suffix of Carboxylic Acid?
-oic acid
10 of 16
What is the prefix of Ethers?
11 of 16
What are the rules of naming Halogenoalkanes?
1. Look for the longest carbon chain - this gives you the last part of the compounds name. 2. The names and positions of the halogen atoms are described at the start, put them in alphabetical order. 3. For more than one identical halogen, use di, tri
12 of 16
What are the 3 stages in making a Chloroalkane from an Alcohol?
1. The reaction 2. Seperation 3. Purifcation.
13 of 16
What happens at the reaction stage in making a Chloroalkane from an Alcohol?
Shake 2-methylpropan-2-ol with concentrated hydrchloric acid in a seperating funnel for 20 mins. You have to keep releasing the pressure because the product is volatile.
14 of 16
What happens at the seperation stage in making a Chloroalkane from an Alcohol?
You allow the mixture to settle into layers, then run off the aqueous lower layer, leaving the impure halogenoalkane.
15 of 16
What happens at the purification stage in making a Chloroalkane from an Alcohol?
Neutralise the excess acid by adding sodium hydrogencarbonate solution and shaking it until no more gas is produced. Run the lower layer off. Then remove remaining water by adding anhydrous sodium sulfate and shaking. Then remove organic impurities.
16 of 16

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the prefix and suffix of Side chains in branched alkanes?


alkyl- -yl

Card 3


What is the suffix of Alkenes?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the prefix of Halogenoalkanes?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the suffix of alcohols?


Preview of the front of card 5
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