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6. Complete combustion produces...

  • more energy
  • soot
  • carbon monoxide

7. There is ......oxygen in the atmosphere

  • 21%
  • 78%
  • 0.035%

8. Catalytic converters...

  • convert hydrogen into water
  • convert carbon monoxide into carbon dioxide
  • convert nitrogen into ammonia

9. Alkenes have a...

  • double bond
  • single bond
  • no bond

10. Polymers are made from very small molecules called monomers

  • True
  • False

11. Ethene polymerise to form

  • polyethene
  • polystyrene

12. Many polymers can be recycled

  • True
  • False

13. When protein molecules change shape they have

  • denatured
  • reversed
  • melted

14. Emulsifiers

  • evaporate the water from the oil
  • help oil and water mix
  • stop oil and water from mixing

15. Limewater turns .........when carbon dioxide is present

  • red
  • cloudy
  • clear

16. Phosphorescent pigments are more dangerous than the older radioactive pigments

  • False
  • True

17. Saturated compounds have a

  • single bond
  • double bond
  • no bond

18. Deforestation.............the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

  • doesn't change
  • increases
  • decreases

19. Fossil fuels being burnt are increasing because the population is increasing

  • True
  • False

20. Why is PTFE laminated onto nylon?

  • it is too fragile on its own
  • it looks better
  • to make it breathable