chemistry topic 8/9

  • Created by: El17P
  • Created on: 23-03-23 19:59
1. what is purity in chemistry? do you know how pure something is?
3.what are formulations?
4. what are the two phases of chromatography?
5.what does the speed of movement of the chemical depend on?
1. something that only contains one compound or
element [not mixed with anything else]
2. if the melting and boiling points match the pure substance.
3. useful mixtures with a purpose
4. mobile and stationary its distributed between the two phas
1 of 9
1. what is the rf value?
2. what is the rf formula?
3. what is the rf value dependant on?
1. the ratio between the distance travelled by the dissolved substance and the distance travelled by the solvent.
2,distance travelled by substance(baseline to spot) / distance travelled by solvent
3. the solvent
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1. what are the four tests for common gases?
2.what do testes for anions often give?
3. what helps detect carbonates?
1. chlorine bleaches damp litmus paper, oxygen relights glowing splints, carbon dioxide turns limewater cloudy, hydrogen reacts with a lit splint making it pop
2. precipitates
3. dilute acid - bubbled through limewater and if carbonates are present its re
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4. whats the test for sulfates?
5. whats the test for halides?
4. add a couple drops of dilute hydrochloric acid and barium chloride solution- if sulfate ions are present a white precipitate will form
5. add dilute nitric acid and silver nitrate solution - chloride = white precipitate of silver chloride, bromide = cr
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flame tests:
1. lithium ions
2.sodium ions
3. potassium ions
4. calcium ions
5. copper ions
1. crimson flame
2. yellow flame
3.lilac flame
4. orange-red flame flame
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metals with sodium hydroxide:
1. calcium
3.iron 2
4.iron 3
1. white
5.white and then colourless
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1. what happens when light passes through a spectroscope?
2. what machine is used to analyse an unknown substance?
3. what are the advantages of using a machine?
1. it detects different wavelengths of light to produce a line spectrum
2. am instrumental analysis
3. very sensitive, very fast, very accurate
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evolution of the atmosphere :phase 1
1. the early atmosphere was mostly ...
phase 2:
2. when the atmospheric water vapour condensed, it formed ...
3. this cause the carbon dioxide to...
phase 3: plants and algae produced..
1. carbon dioxide, nitrogen, water vapour, methane and ammonia
2. oceans
3. dissolve
4. oxygen
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1.what does combustion of fossil fuels do?
1. releases gasses and particles
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


1. what is the rf value?
2. what is the rf formula?
3. what is the rf value dependant on?


1. the ratio between the distance travelled by the dissolved substance and the distance travelled by the solvent.
2,distance travelled by substance(baseline to spot) / distance travelled by solvent
3. the solvent

Card 3


1. what are the four tests for common gases?
2.what do testes for anions often give?
3. what helps detect carbonates?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


4. whats the test for sulfates?
5. whats the test for halides?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


flame tests:
1. lithium ions
2.sodium ions
3. potassium ions
4. calcium ions
5. copper ions


Preview of the front of card 5
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