Other questions in this quiz

2. What did John Newlands do?

  • He arranged all the elements known at the time in order of their atomic weight
  • Put them in order of atomic weight,Grouped elements with similar properties,Left gaps to make his pattern carry on,Predicted properties of undiscovered elements

3. Select a property of The Halogens (Group 7)

  • Reactivity decreases as go down group
  • Reactivity increases as go down group

4. Select a property of The Halogens (Group 7)

  • Colours get Lighter as go down grouo
  • Colours get Darker as go down group
  • Melting and Boiling points decrease as go down group

5. What did Dmitri Mendeleev do?

  • Put them in order of atomic weight,Grouped elements with similar properties,Left gaps to make his pattern carry on,Predicted properties of undiscovered elements
  • He arranged all the elements known at the time in order of their atomic weight


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