Chemistry - Ionic Bonding

what will atoms with an incomplete outer shell do to gain a full one?
gain/lose electrons through bonding
1 of 20
ionic bonding is an example of bonding. ionic bonding forms __
ions (charged atoms) (ionic = ions)
2 of 20
ionic bonding occurs between... (two metals? non-metal and metal? two non metals?)
metal and non-metal (ionic = ions = opposite charges)
3 of 20
which groups will lose electrons through ionic bonding?
group 1, 2, 3
4 of 20
these metals will form a ___ ion as they have lost electrons
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elements in groups _, _, _ gain electrons to form negative ions
5, 6, 7
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___ (metals/non-metals) lose electrons and become positive ions while ____ (metals/non-metals) gain electrons and become negatively charged
metals lose electrons. non-metals gain electrons (think of the dash in non-metal to remember they form negative ions like 2- that also use a dash/minus)
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how many magnesium molecules (Mg - group 2) will react with oxygen (O2 - group 6) to form a complete outer shell (8 electrons)
two because oxygen contains two oxygen molecules (O2).
8 of 20
describe how they form 2MgO(s) in terms of electron loss/gain and ion formation
magnesium losses it's two electrons and becomes positive while oxygen gains two electrons and becomes negative
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because they've formed oppositely charged ions, they are now __ to each other.
attracted - this attraction is ionic bonding
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what ion will an element in group 2 form? (what charge?)
they'd lose those 2 electrons and form +2 ions
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what about in group 6?
-2 ions
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what about in group 3?
+3 ions
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what about in group 8?
nonreactive - already has full outer shell
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oppositely charged ions feel strong e_____ attraction to each other so they try and pack closely together
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what structure do ionic bonds form because of this? (regular, repeating arrangements)
giant ionic compounds
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ionic compounds can often form ____
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ionic compounds have __ melting/boiling points
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why is this?
they have strong electromagnetic forces in every direction so require lots of energy to break apart
19 of 20
why do ionic compounds with an ion charge more than one (Mg2+ , O2-) have higher boiling points?
higher charged ions have stronger attraction between to each other, requiring more energy to break apart
20 of 20

Other cards in this set

Card 2


ionic bonding is an example of bonding. ionic bonding forms __


ions (charged atoms) (ionic = ions)

Card 3


ionic bonding occurs between... (two metals? non-metal and metal? two non metals?)


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


which groups will lose electrons through ionic bonding?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


these metals will form a ___ ion as they have lost electrons


Preview of the front of card 5
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