Chemistry-C9-Greenhouse Effect and Climate Change

  • Created by: tonisha_
  • Created on: 03-01-23 19:25
The energy from the ____ travels in _____ ______ radiation to the Earth
from the sun travels in short wavelength radiation to the Earth
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Some short wavelength radiation reflects where?
back into space
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However most will?
pass through
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The atmosphere is made up of what three gases?
nitrous oxide
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The energy is then absorbed when it reaches?
the Earths surface
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The surface of the Earth now radiates the energy as what?
long wavelength radiation
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For example?
infra red radiation
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However some long wavelength radiation interact with what molecules?
greenhouse gas molecules
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The greenhouse gases only absorb what wavelengths?
long wavelength radiation
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This energy is absorbed and _____ in the Earths atmosphere causing it to ____ ____ the Earth?
and trapped in the earths atmosphere causing it to heat up the earth
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Long wavelength radiation is typically what ?
thermal radiation
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What are 4 causes?
burning fossil fuels
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How does burning fossil fuels cause it?
when burnt the carbon locked up in the fuels are released as C02
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Deforestation since when they are ____ all the CO2 that was _______ via _________ is released back out?
when they are cut all the CO2 that was absorbed via photosynthesis is released back out
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Agriculture since an _______ in the demand of _____ e.g. beef means more ______ must be _____ and they produce _______ which is a _____ ____?
an increase in the demand of meat e.g. beef means more cows must be farmed and they produce methane which is a greenhouse gas
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Waste since it ends up in ______ ______ and will _____ and release a lot of ___ and ____?
landfill sites and will decompose and release lots of CO2 and methane
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What three things may melt?
polar ice caps
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What two things may occur that are caused by a change in precipitation?
flooding and droughts
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The frequency and severity of ______ and extreme _____ may increase?
storms and extreme weather
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Habitats may be _____ causing animal _____?
destroyed causing animal extinction
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What are four solutions to this?
carbon capture and storage
plant based diet
switch from petrol to biofuels
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Some short wavelength radiation reflects where?


back into space

Card 3


However most will?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


The atmosphere is made up of what three gases?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


The energy is then absorbed when it reaches?


Preview of the front of card 5
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