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6. Which answer best describes the size of the nucleus

  • The nucleus is almost the whole mass of he atom, but size- wise it is tiny compared to the atom as a whole.
  • The nucleus is extremely small.
  • Tiny
  • Very big nearly whole size of the atom

7. Which of these are classed as elements?

  • Aluminium and hydroxide.
  • copper, Aluminium, iron, oxygen and nitrogen.
  • potassium chloride, metal halide and magnesium bromide.
  • All of the above.

8. What is an isotope?

  • different atomic forms of the same element with the same number of electrons and different number of protons
  • isotopes are scientific formulas used to explain the mass of elements
  • ifferent atomic forms of the same element, which have the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons.
  • Lots of elements

9. Name a popular set of isotopes

  • carbon 12 and Carbon 14
  • nitrogen 2 and nitrogen 3
  • potassium permanganate 6 potassium permanganate 8

10. TRUE/ FALSE - In the 1800s chemists were keen to try and find patterns in the elements that they knew about.

  • True
  • False

11. TRUE/ FALSE - The periodic table was made by mendeleev in 1804 after a lot of effort

  • False
  • Tue

12. The Mass number - atomic number =

  • Atom mass
  • 16
  • The number of neutrons.
  • The amount of protons in the nucleus.

13. TRUE/ FALSE/partially - Before mendeleev's discovery scientists had no idea about the structure of atoms, but they could measure the relative atomic mass of each element.

  • True
  • False
  • was false but then it became true
  • not sure

14. What does the nucleus contain?

  • oxygen and nitrogen
  • electrons
  • Protons and neutrons
  • nucleus

15. Name one thing you cannot do with an element?

  • Building material
  • You can’t convert one type of element into another using chemical reactions.
  • Not sure?
  • use in cars

16. What would happen if isotopes had a different number of protons?

  • If they had a different number of protons, they’d be different elements altogether.
  • it will be a unique isotope called istopiside
  • It would form a covalent bond as it is

17. What is the atomic number?

  • The number of protons and electrons.
  • number of neutrons.
  • Another name for the mass number of an atom.
  • proton weight.
  • Not sure?

18. Which points best explain what the electrons are?

  • Electrons move around the atom. They are he same size as the nucleus. They have a lot of mass.
  • They have a negative charge. They have virtually no mass. They occupy shells (energy levelaround the nucleus. Electrons follow the configuration 2,8,8.
  • electrons are another version of protons. They are extremely small. The follow the configuration rule of 2,8,8.

19. What is an element made up of?

  • nucleus and cytoplasm
  • An element is made up of just one type of atom
  • Protons, nucleus, neutrons and electrons.