Chemistry 13, the Earth's atmosphere

What are the proportions of gases in the earth's atmosphere?
-78% Nitrogen -21% Oxygen -0.04% Carbon dioxide -Very small amounts of other gases
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Describe the earth's early atmosphere, before life began
-Hot ball of molten rock with an atmosphere of H+ and He -It cooled + crust full of volcanoes formed, releasing CO2, NH3,CH4 and water vapour when they erupted -Planet cooled, water vapour condensed into oceans, CO2 dissolved and carbonates formed
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Describe what happened when earth began on Earth
-Photosynthetic bacteria formed, starting gas exchange between oxygen and carbon dioxide. Increased oxygen meant animals could evolve. Methane reacted with oxygen to produce CO2 and water and ammonia reacted with oxygen to form nitrogen.
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In detail, how did levels of Carbon Dioxide decrease?
CO2 was used up in photosynthesis & the formation of sedimentary rocks and fossil fuels-limestone, coal, crude oil and natural gas. Limestone-formed from marine life shells and skeletons Coal-Dead plants and trees containing carbon Oil &Gas-Plankton
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Why is the greenhouse effect important? Give some greenhouse gases
It allows earth to support life by maintaining high enough temperatures. Methane, Carbon dioxide and water vapour are greenhouse gases
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Describe the greenhouse effect, in terms of wavelengths
-The sun emits SHORT wavelength radiation (UV) which warms the earth -The earth gives off heat by emitting LONG wavelength (IR) -Greenhouse gases absorb some of the LONG wavelength -They re-radiate this in all directions, warming the atmosphere
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Give and explain two ways humans are increasing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere
-Burning fossil fuels increases amount of CO2 in the air -Deforestation for space reduces the amount of CO2 being absorbed and is often burnt down, releasing CO2 -Cattle farming releases methane -Landfill breakdown releases methane
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Name 4 effects of global climate change
-Polar ice caps melt, causing sea levels to rise, causing an increase in coastal erosion and flooding -More frequent extreme weather -Changes in precipitation -Food shortages -Changes in water availability
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What is a carbon footprint?
The total amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases emitted over the full life cycle of a product, service or event
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How could you reduce your carbon footprint?
-Minimising waste -Using renewable energy sources -Imposing emission-based taxes -Planting trees
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Why may it be hard to reduce carbon footprints?
-Incomplete international cooperation, countries have different views and ideas -Developed countries may not want to change lifestyle -Scientists don't agree on the causes and consequences of climate change -Over reliance on cars and electricity
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What are the five main atmospheric pollutants from fuels?
Carbon monoxide, Sulfur dioxide, Nitrogen oxides, Carbon particulates (soot), Carbon dioxide
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How are carbon particulates formed and what do they cause?
-Formed in incomplete combustion -Causes global dimming(smog) as the particulates build up in the atmosphere stopping light Also cause respiratory problems if breathed in
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How is carbon monoxide formed and what does it cause?
-Formed during incomplete combustion -It's a toxic, silent, odourless, colourless gas which causes death as it binds to red blood cells , reducing the amount of oxygen a person can carry
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How is sulfur dioxide formed and what does it cause?
-Coal and crude oil often include sulfur impurities which form sulfur dioxide when they combust -Causes acid rain which affects buildings, plants, aquatic life and water sources
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How are nitrogen oxides formed and what do they cause?
-Fromed in the combustion of car engines as the high temperatures cause the nitrogen and oxygen in the air to react -It creates nitric acid which creates acid rain and also directly causes respiratory problems
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How is carbon dioxide formed and what does it cause?
-Formed through complete combustion (of fossil fuels) and respiration -Contributes to global warming
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Describe the earth's early atmosphere, before life began


-Hot ball of molten rock with an atmosphere of H+ and He -It cooled + crust full of volcanoes formed, releasing CO2, NH3,CH4 and water vapour when they erupted -Planet cooled, water vapour condensed into oceans, CO2 dissolved and carbonates formed

Card 3


Describe what happened when earth began on Earth


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Card 4


In detail, how did levels of Carbon Dioxide decrease?


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Card 5


Why is the greenhouse effect important? Give some greenhouse gases


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