Chemical Rreactions

What is formed when a metal reacts with oxygen
A metal oxide
1 of 24
What does OILRIG stand for
Oxidation is loss Reduction is gain
2 of 24
How does the extraction of metals work
More reactive metals replace the less reactive metal
3 of 24
Explain oxidation in terms of electrons
Electrons are being given to oxygen
4 of 24
What do acids produce when they are ionised
5 of 24
What do acids produce in aq solutions
6 of 24
What is the difference between a base and an alkaline
Bases produce a salt and water. Alkaline are also soluble in water
7 of 24
What is produced in a neutralisation reaction
Water + Metal Salt
8 of 24
How is pH measured
Universal indicator or a pH probe
9 of 24
What does green show (UI)
10 of 24
What does red show (UI)
11 of 24
What does purple show (UI)
12 of 24
What is the general equation for acids reacting with metals
Acid + Metal --> Metal Salt + Hydrogen
13 of 24
What is the general equation of acids and Metal Carbonates
Acid + Metal --> Salt + Water + Carbon dioxide
14 of 24
What is a strong acid
When the acid fully ionises
15 of 24
What are 3 weak acids
carbonic acids ethanoic acids citric acids
16 of 24
As the pH scale decreases by 1 unit, how much does the concentration increase by
17 of 24
How do you get from cm^3 to dm^3
18 of 24
What is the equation that links the number of moles, concentration, and volume
Number of moles = concentration X volume
19 of 24
What is electrolysis
passing an electric current through a liquid or solution containing ions to separate the ions
20 of 24
What is the negative electrode called
21 of 24
What is the positive electrode called
22 of 24
How do we separate solids
Melt them first
23 of 24
Why is electrolysis expensive
Lot of energy to melt solids and lots of energy to produce current
24 of 24

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What does OILRIG stand for


Oxidation is loss Reduction is gain

Card 3


How does the extraction of metals work


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Explain oxidation in terms of electrons


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What do acids produce when they are ionised


Preview of the front of card 5
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