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6. An example of a 'linear' shape would be

  • CO2
  • H2O
  • BCl3

7. Adding nitric acid, then silver nitrate solution, to a solution of a chloroalkane will create...

  • a white ppt
  • a cream ppt
  • a yellow ppt

8. Alcohol + PCl5 --> chloroalkane + [[HCl]] + POCl3. What is the [[]]?

  • green acidic fumes, that turn moist red litmus blue
  • steamy acidic fumes, that turn moist blue litmus red
  • purple fumes, that are highly toxic

9. Fehlings and Benedicts Solutions test for the presence of...

  • an aldehyde functional group and turn from blue to red
  • a ketone functional group and turn from red to blue
  • a carboxylic acid functional group and turn from green to colourless

10. Why are Na and K COMPOUNDS good reagents?

  • Their hydroxides and carbonates are soluble in water. Also, they are colourless therefore do not interfere with colour changes.
  • Their hydroxides and carbonates are insoluble, therefore we needn't worry about spillages.
  • They produce lots of energy when heated.

11. A tertiary alcohol can simply be shaken with ____ to form a chloroalkane.

  • P2Cl8
  • HCl
  • H2O

12. What are the three forms of carbon structures?

  • Carbon, diamond and graphite
  • Diamond, Graphite and Fullerenes
  • Diamond, Graphite and Buckminsterfullerene

13. Group 2 hydroxide (M(OH)2) + 2HCl ---->

  • MCl2 + H2O
  • MCl2 + 2H2O
  • MCl + H2O

14. I- is the best reducing agent because ....

  • it is the largest ion, therefore loses an electron (is oxidised) easiest.
  • it is the smallest ion, therefore it gains an electron (is reduced) easiest
  • is the largest ion, therefore gains an electron (is reduced) easiest

15. Adding a catalyst....

  • offers an alternative mechanism that requires less energy
  • increases rate of reaction due to its reactivity
  • reverses the reaction

16. In the halides reactions with H2SO4, which can not create a redox reaction?

  • Cl-
  • I-
  • Br-

17. Tollens reagent when warmed tests for...

  • an aldehyde functional group and forms a silver precipitate
  • a ketone functional group and forms a gold precipitate
  • an aldehyde functional group and turns red

18. What is the half equation for Mg when it burns in oxygen?

  • Mg + 2e(-) --> Mg(2+)
  • Mg --> Mg(2+) + 2e(-)
  • 2Mg + O2 ---> 2MgO

19. BeCO3 is less thermally unstable than LiCO3 because ...

  • Be is smaller than Li so it distorts more strongly, making it less stable
  • Be has a higher charge density, so it distorts the carbonate more, making it less stable
  • Be has a lower charge density, so it distorts the carbonate less, making it less stable

20. A shape with all angles of 120 degrees is most likely...

  • linear
  • trigonal planar
  • trigonal pyramidal