Chapters 21-22

  • Created by: coco267
  • Created on: 19-05-19 19:26
By 1960, which area outside of the remaining empire became of more importance to Britain with regards to trade and commerce?
Western Europe
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What was the main economic reason why western Europe recovered (post WWII) more quickly than expected?
Marshall Aid/Plan
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What was the main political reason for the recovery in western Europe?
Liberal democracies which encouraged private enterprise.
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Why had Britain chosen not to join the European Economic Community (EEC) in 1957?
Trusted on their traditional reliance on Empire.
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Britain had realised by the 60s that their economic future lay in Europe and tried (unsuccessfully) to join twice. In which years?
1963 and again in 1967.
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What was the result of the devaluation of sterling in 1967?
Destroyed the ‘Sterling Area’ & weakened international faith in the value of sterling.
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In what year did Britain finally join the EEC?
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Post WWII, why did Britain focus its industrial production on products for export rather than the domestic market?
Need to earn dollars & build up foreign exchange reserves to buy vitally needed goods (mainly from USA).
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What were the Colonial Development and Welfare Acts of 1940 and 45 designed to do?
Expand agricultural production & promote new technology in the colonies.
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The Colonial Development Corporation (CDC), set up in 1948 was renamed to what in 1963?
Commonwealth Development Corporation (CDC)
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Which commodity from Malay proved to be a vital dollar earner for Britain?
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What was the Hard Currency Pool?
A collective pool of dollars earned by the Sterling Area.
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Who became Malaya’s first Prime Minister after independence in 1957?
Tunku Abdul Rahman
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Which political ideology did the British fear the most in the Malay Peninsula?
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Between which years was a violent guerrilla war ( the ‘Malayan Emergency’) fought in the Malay Peninsula?
1948 to 1960
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What was the name of Nkrumah’s new political group formed after his release from prison in 1948?
Convention People’s Party (CPP)
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Nkrumah steered the Gold Coast to independence as Ghana in 1957 and as a republic in 1960. What happened to him six years later?
Removed from power by a military coup (later revealed to have been backed by the American CIA.)
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Name a political philosophy promoted by Nkrumah.
Pan-Africanism / Marxist socialism / Popular nationalism / responsible leadership
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Who emerged as a champion of Nigerian nationalism in the 1940s?
Nnamdi Azikiwe
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Nigeria was starkly divided – how?
Ethnic and religious which led to several different nationalist groups emerging.
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How was Nnamdi Azikiwe able to resolve these tensions and lead Nigeria to independence in 1960?
Compromised with differing nationalists groups and the British.
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Which East African tribe did Jomo Kenyatta belong to?
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After 17 years living in the UK, Kenyatta returned home and became the president of what organisation in 1947?
Kenyan African Union (KAU)
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In what year & why was the KAU banned and a state of emergency declared in East Africa?
1952 – because of the Mau Mau Rebellion.
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Why was Kenyatta arrested in October 1952?
Because he was the acknowledged leader of the Kikuyu (the tribe forming the Mau Mau rebels.)
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After independence in 1963, which 2 political positions did Kenyatta hold in Kenya?
Prime Minister and then President (Kenya had become a Republic in 64.)
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Who became Governor-General of an independent Uganda in 1962 and who overthrew him in 1971?
Apolo Milton Obote – Idi Amin
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Which South African nationalist leader came from the Xhosa tribe and the Thembu royal family?
Nelson Mandela
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How many years was he sentenced to in 1964 and how many years did he serve of that sentence before he was released in 1990?
Life imprisonment on Robben Island – served 27 years of sentence.
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Who was the British administrator who promoted the formation of the Central African Federation (CAF) in a bid to halt the spread of apartheid from South Africa?
Sir Andrew Cohen
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Which East African country did he help to lay the groundwork for its independence in 1962?
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Who was the British administrator who managed the transition to independence in Nigeria?
Sir John Macpherson
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Who was the British administrator who secured the release of Nkrumah from prison and facilitated the self-rule and then independence of Gold Coast/Ghana?
Sir Charles Aiden-Clarke
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What was the main economic reason why western Europe recovered (post WWII) more quickly than expected?


Marshall Aid/Plan

Card 3


What was the main political reason for the recovery in western Europe?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why had Britain chosen not to join the European Economic Community (EEC) in 1957?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Britain had realised by the 60s that their economic future lay in Europe and tried (unsuccessfully) to join twice. In which years?


Preview of the front of card 5
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