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Card 6


Re-urbanization is associated with gentrification which is the process of modernizing old buildings so they will be bought my middle class people or developers.


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Card 7


Case Study - Liverpool: liverpool was the second most important city in the British Empire during the 19th century and its population peaked at 850,000 in 1937. the city has since gone into decline and in 1980 became one of the poorest cities.


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Card 8


Re-Urbanization was seen in The Marina - a middle class housing development and yacht club built to attract middle classes back to the inner city.


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Card 9


Gentrification is seen in the Albert Dock - historic buildings were restored and upper stories converted into expensive apartments, however local have not benefited from the new accommodation which have a starting prove of £260000


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Card 10


The Cathedral Development - in the 1980s a small scale housing development was created using semi-derelict lan around the Cathedral providing homes for those needing low rent social housing.


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Card 11


Impact of Regeneration: the general infrastructure has been improved. populationi n the inner city has increased from 3600 in 1971 to 12000 at present, there is about 17000 new jobs, 80km of improved roads and almost 40000 new houses.


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Card 12


Issues of Rapid Urbanization in LEDCs: When the world's population grows most of the growing is in LEDCs, this has been one of the most pressing issues in the later half of the 20th century.


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Card 13


Economic Activity - migrants have very few skills for many jobs and our often unsuccessful in finding full time employment. Even with TNCs the number of jobs cant be met. The number working in the informal sector eg shoe shiners has increased.


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Card 14


Informal Settlements - they develop when migrants use from the countryside set up camp on any land unused. The squatter settlement is characterized by illegal occupation, homes of unstandard conditions. These areas area plagues with disease.


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Card 15


Stages of New Migrants:


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